New 2018 My Life As Items At Walmart!! A Guest Post!!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you may know, I’ve been scouring Walmarts like some manner of hunter looking, mostly in vain, for the ‘new items’ from My Life As Doll. They’ve really outdone themselves this year… I already bought the Bathroom Set and think it will be one of the hottest selling doll items out this year. I mean, when a doll has to go a doll has to go! With regards to all the great new stuff, I’ll take one (or two) of everything! Kidding!! Kind of…
But… my dear friend and reader and recent guest post writer had much better luck at her Walmart and was kind enough to send me fabulous photos of all the amazingness she saw!! It took me a while this evening to get all the fabulous photos she sent me downloaded and then uploaded to blog… So I am about out of steam for the day! As you likely know, I get up about 4am and that’s usually when I write my posts, in early morning. However I wanted to get these photos to you without delay!! A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words so here is about 60K worth of words!
So many cool things!
So I won’t say much more other than
  💗Thank you so much guest poster 💗!! 
From all of us Doll Loving people, we really appreciate seeing all of it!! 


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