Hannah Doll Settles In To The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Hannah, a Girl Of Faith Doll, recently came to live at the Doll House. So of course the other dolls wanted to welcome her! Everyone decided that the person that made the most sense to welcome her would be Laura because she is also from the ‘past’ and can sympathize with the culture shock of coming from the 1800’s to modern day! 

So here is a little ‘story in photos’ of her homecoming welcome. I’m mostly going to let the photos tell the story because, per my usual lately, I am short on time. Teehee. I made a YouTube video of the story too that includes double or more of the shots I am including here if you’d like to see it. 

I made the storyline that Fongtan and Angela went to the Airport to pick up Hannah.

And Laura and Juliet were there to welcome her and help her find something more comfortable to wear after her long trip. 

Here are Angela and Fongtan discussing making some coffee and having some cookies…

Hannah surprised Laura but immediately liked the idea of wearing a more modern outfit. Laura still feels more comfortable in items that are more in line with what she wore in her own time period but… Style is always a matter of comfort and opinion to to each their own. 

So I hope you enjoyed the photos! I hope this finds you having a wonderful Sunday (or whatever day of the week you happen to stop by!). I have to run or I’m going to be late for church!

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