A Tale Of Two Z’s; Perma-panty Z Yang Arrives And Goes Back To The AG Factory!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
So… American Girl Dolls. They decided to retire Z Yang this year. She’d been on my wish-list as one of the few American Girl Doll’s I even wanted going forward but had been pushed back in the queue so many times when I’d get ‘premium doll money’ because all the other premium dolls are about $100 or less. Many other premium brands have also always been, in my opinion, just as good as quality as American Girl… So when I can get a premium doll and still have ~$35 left over to play with, it’s been harder and harder to fork over the cash to American Girl for a doll. But…

Z Yang. I fell in love with her sweet face and story the minute they brought her out just last year… From what I understand or have noticed, they generally keep dolls on the market for three years or so and so I felt like time was on my side with regards to getting her… Until the announcement they were going to retire her at the end of the year!? What?! I was shocked and she skyrocketed to the top of my list because they also wrote ‘or till supplies last’ on all of the news about her going away. That didn’t leave me time to hope to get her for my Birthday in November because who knows if they’d all be gone by then? Then only on the secondary market for like three times the price I am betting. So… I basically blew threw the better part of my Doll Mad Money budget for a month. Really though, I wasn’t too upset about it because it really had been in my plans to get Z eventually, they just sped up the plan. So I sent of my $135 and excitedly watched her progression via FedEx to the Doll House!

I even gave her the knecklace I had all ready for her on immediately… But… One concern I had was that Z would arrive with a perma-panties body since she was one of the first dolls AG released with them. I know there are as many opinions on this as there are people… But my opinion? I hate them with a purple passion. I mean, really. I always hated Barbies with ‘stamped on’ panties and for same reasons I hate them on American Girl Dolls. My reasons? Mostly because they don’t need them. If a girl wants panties on her doll, she can put them on! Imagine that! But when they are permanently sewn to her body? How is she supposed to bathe? Or wear a swim suit? It’s just silly. Well… Of course my Z arrived with her panties sewn on. Ugh. I had one gal in a Doll Group on Facebook say that while she doesn’t like the permapanties, she kept her Z with them because it’s kind of a novelty and perhaps a collectors item someday. So… I contemplated for about a day if I might ought to just keep her. Except…...

There was another problem that I just could not overlook. I’m pretty sure if you look at these photos of the back of Z’s head you will see what I mean. 

Her. Wig. Is. Awful!!!
Just. Awful!!

Not only is the wig itself awful it also looked like a four year old styled her hair. No offense to four year olds because there are probably some four year olds who could’ve done a better job. Just wow.
This doll costs $115.00! Plus tax & shipping! And THAT is how they send out her hair? Just wow. 

Poor Z… So, with a heavy heart and with my American Girl Arrival Magic marred I called to see about replacing her. As I’ve said, I am not alone in my detesting the permapanties. American Girl Doll even set up a whole page on what to do if you receive one and want a traditional body instead. The lady at American Girl Doll was very nice and said that she’d get me a new doll with a non-perma-pantied body on the way and would tell them to pay special attention to the wig and the styling of the hair on Z-2. They also, sweetly enough, said I could keep Z-1 until Z-2 arrived. Which I did…. I’d already taken her hair down to see if perhaps I could brush the wig and it would look nicer down… Um… Not so much… So mostly Z-1 sat in her box and never even got to go into the Doll House. 
Poor Z-1!

So in pretty short order, Z2 arrived. True to their word, she was minus the permapanties!!

Hate to say it but… I grabbed the knecklace off of Z1 and gave it to Z2 right away… It made me feel a little heartless. Thanks AG. Nothing like adding guilt to my doll purchase. Ugh.

I’m not sure if you can tell but one thing about the perma-panties doll bodies is that they are a bit ‘thinner’ than the regular AG bodies (another reason I didn’t want one). So, as another person in one of the Facebook Doll Groups pointed out, the Z Yang meet outfit, having been designed to fit the Z Yang with permapanties, is pretty tight no Z-2! Strange, right, that they’d make the bodies different but it’s not uncommon from what I understand. Which is annoying given you’d like all of your ‘soft bodied’ 18 inch doll clothes to kind of fit across the board with all the dolls. Or at least for one particular brand to have their doll torsos uniform since they only sell one ‘size’ of clothes for the dolls. I am digressing all over the place but you understand what I mean, I’m sure of it. 
So… For the first time since her arrival, I was kind of enthusiastic to take photos of Z1… But only in the context of taking photos to make a little YouTube about Z1 and Z2 meeting and Z1 getting ready to go back to the factory for surgery.


For some reason that just makes me giggle… 
Hopefully it will you too, you can find the video here

What I didn’t include in the video is that Z2’s hair? Rubbish wig just like Z1 had. And styled like a three year old did it. 

You can see how sparse and pathetic the hair on this wig is by looking at Z1’s hair down (above)… You can see light through it very easily… I’ve looked at AG’s Z Yang Hairstyling Tip video and as best as I can tell, its thin on there too. I love how they don’t show you a close up of the back of her head and hide it under her purple hat… Hmmm…

And the hair isn’t even very soft. Do you think I am way off or do you think it looks wretched too?
In any case, I determined I’d keep Z2 irregardless of how her hair was when she arrived (it’s not Z’s fault AG gave her a rubbish wig) and so I am, of course, going to keep her. However, she will be re-wigged pretty soon I am sure of it. Which is sad given she’s a $115 doll!!

Here is Z1 showing Z2 the top of her permapanties. I thought about showing them to you more clearly but again, there are many vlogs who’ve already done that and I don’t wanna reinvent a wheel. 

So this is the only photo I really took of the ‘permapanties’. 

Z1 is so embarrased!! Who has clothes sewn to their body??

So Z2 gave Z1 a great big hug and told her she’d be fine! She was going back to the factory to have a different body added to her (?) and to be shipped to a new family (??). 

So here she is, getting back in the box… So sad. 

By Z1! I’ll always remember you!

So this is the first time I’ve introduced Z Yang to any of my other dolls… I just felt heartless introducing Z1 to anyone since she was going back in the box and back to the factory. 
So, yes, the little YouTube video where Z1 is saying that she’ll never forget her time in the Doll House? Yeah… Um… this is the only ‘room’ she saw and Z2 is only doll she met. It’s true, reality TV? All staged. *giggles*
Again I say poor Z1!!

So here she is meeting Patti & Meeka. They pulled their hair back in low ponytails for fun knowing that was how she wears hers. I should’ve thought to take a photo of the back of their heads to show you what a more quality wig looks like when pulled into low ponytails. Perhaps I’ll go take a snap right now and come back and update. But don’t hold you’re breath! Hahaha. How many times have I said “I’ll come back and update…” and it never happens. *sigh* But I’ll try. 

So little Miss Z Yang is, in all likelihood, my very last American Girl Doll. I’ve just kind of had it with them making the dolls less and less quality over the last few years. They don’t even have kneck strings anymore!? Given that fact, I can’t really see all that much difference between them and Our Generation dolls?  When you can literally buy like five or six (depending if you buy ‘premium bendable joint’ types or ‘basic’ dolls and if you buy them on sale…) it gets harder and harder to justify why you’d need to spend so much more. In fact, I won’t lie, I got much more ‘thrill factor’ opening my last Our Generation Doll than I did with Z. It wasn’t her fault but the flaws really put a damper on my enthusiasm. That being said, I think Maplelea Dolls are worth every cent of the $100 they generally are and am super impressed (Even more so now that I’ve seen Z’s wig!) with Sophia Doll’s and City Girl’s Dolls because they are even less than $100 and, in my opinion, every bit as good a quality as American Girl Dolls. 

Since I have (counting in my head…?) seven American Girl Dolls now that I’ve added Z, I think that is probably enough anyway. There’s only so much room afterall, right? Now please don’t go getting mad at me for despairaging American Girl Doll. I’ve always thought of them as the industry standard for quality… But the last few years? Well… You know… You know… It’s a shame and I hope they turn it around. In the meantime, if you see any ‘new’ American Girl dolls coming to live in the Doll House, they’ll have been found on a good bargain from a Goodwill like Prism or M.J.

What have been your recent experiences with American Girl Dolls? 
I better run!

One thought on “A Tale Of Two Z’s; Perma-panty Z Yang Arrives And Goes Back To The AG Factory!

  1. I feel the same way as you do about the diminishing quality of American Girl dolls. I loved the early historical dolls, and the last ones I purchased (Marie Grace and Cecile) were gorgeous as well. Nothing can beat the attention to detail and quality of the Pleasant Company dolls, though! As you pointed out, I no longer purchase from American Girl because there are so many other great choices to be had for much less money. Our Generation has really stepped up it's game with the new face molds this past year, and also with the adorable boy dolls! And their accessories are SO much more affordable than AG. Journey Girl is another 18\” doll I always thought was extremely beautiful and a great value for the money. I really am afraid that AG is not going to be around for much longer. I think they have strayed too far from Pleasant Rowland's original concept of historical dolls. It seems as though the historicals have taken a back seat to the modern dolls, which is basically what every other 18\” doll manufacturer offers. AG had something special with the original concept of teaching history through dolls. I am just glad that there are so many other options for 18\” (and other sizes) dolls out there now!


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