Recent Thrift Store Treasure Hunting!

Hi Doll Friends!
Just a few photos of things I’ve spotted at Goodwill lately… 
I bought the Melissa & Doug doll of course… I love my other Melissa & Doug Doll and couldn’t resist her for only $1.99. Her dress is actually one from a Disney Animator Doll but I love those because they make great Halloween costumes for this size doll! The Hawaiian Hula doll was adorable but… A bit dingy and not really my style doll so I left her there. 

I have a couple of chairs like these but not the bench… But… I left it there anyway. Only so much room!

This is a Barbie type house but I thought it was neat so I took a photo of it. 

Here’s another bench I thought was neat but didn’t buy because I have so many and storage! As you can see, the little Melissa & Doug doll became my scale model. Yeah, that’s right, if you join the Doll House Village I’ll put you to work right away! Hahaha.

I kind of regret not buying this dresser… Rats. Oh well, I see similar ones often…

This little lady I found very interesting! Her face looked familiar somehow…

It’s because she’s a Madame Alexander doll! I didn’t buy her because I don’t really care for or collect baby dolls… But I had to show her to you!

I thought this little angels face was kind of interesting….

This CPK kind of made me smile too… You can tell she was well loved.

If I had endless storage this would’ve been cute to buy for Christmas time but… Space is finite. 

This shelf almost came home… Being a Military Brat, I grew up with furniture like this in many of my friend’s homes who’ve traveled the world. Sadly the little door hinge was broken… Maybe it’ll get marked down… I’ll keep my eye on it!

Cute little angel shaped tea set…. I should’ve bought it just for the adorable cups. Rats. Oh well, can’t buy all the things!

This little figurine by Mary Engelbrieght (Spell?) isn’t doll sized but I love love love Mary E and so i had to take a photo of it… I almost brought it home but I am not really a ‘knick-knack’ type person in my real life…. I try and keep that to the Doll House! I hate to dust! Hahaha!
Oh if this was only 18inch doll sized and not Barbie sized it would be so fantastic!

This little rocking horse was hard to pass up! I already have a rocking horse or I might have brought it home…

See? It works pretty well!

I saw these two little ladies but…. I have to stop bringing dolls home!! I have far too many!

This little Style Girl is so pretty! I have three already though so… She stayed there too. 

Cute little doll bed was tempting but I think it would be too short even for the 14inch dolls so… I didn’t get it but… So cute!
Better run! 
Have a great day!

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