Target Our Generation Heaven Store! A Guest Post In Photos!!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!
I hope this finds you having had a wonderful weekend!! 
I have a dear friend and reader who has done a couple of guest posts for me. She and I email back and forth with rather regularly. She is one of two really close friends I’ve gleaned from writing this blog and they are both worth every single bit of effort and time it’s taken.
 Hi you both! You know who you are. 💓
So recently my friend and guest poster happened into a Target she hadn’t been into before and… She discovered what she and I have started refering to as Target Our Generation Heaven! Because it so totally is!! I wish my Target looked like this… Or maybe not because I’d be even more tempted to buy dolls dolls dolls & doll items & doll clothes & doll pets. and and and more often than I already do! Teehee. But it would so much fun to just look around. The way they had it set up reminds me of the American Girl Doll Displays they used to have at ToysRUs (RIP). 
This photo of the classroom all set up certainly does the trick because it totally makes me want one! (Even more than I did before!) It’s just so totally adorable! I love love love that it has a door and an ‘outside’. So cool. I know it’s only a matter of time before I cave and bring it home…. Only problem is, where to store? Hahaha!

The boat is so cute… It’s so big though and I just can’t see me, personally, playing with it or taking enough photos with it to justify the space and cost… But it sure is awesome seeing it set up like this!!

Well the rest of the amazingness is going to have to be just photos… But it they speak a thousand words each, they’ll tell the story themselves! Haha! 

Thanks so much my sweet Guest Poster!! We all appreciate seeing all the amazing stuff!! 
PS the following photos are some she took because she and I were trying to figure out if all the boy dolls and perhaps Kaye here have the same face sculpt. I think the boys all do… I thought Kaye did as well but upon seeing her closer up I think her nose is a bit different…? What do you think?

Gotta run!

4 thoughts on “Target Our Generation Heaven Store! A Guest Post In Photos!!

  1. Where in the world is this store?!? That is just about heaven on earth for us doll lovers! Makes the one, measly aisle at our local Targets look really pathetic. If our stores had an OG section like that, I'd be there all the time!


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