New Glitter Girl Doll From Target And New Clothes For Her From Amazon!

Hi Doll Friends!
So… I went to Target. 
And there they all were…

I tried to be good and just buy an outfit…. But…

The outfits are $10-$13… And… A whole doll is only $19.99 so….
Sarinia came home to the Doll House. I think the new Glitter Girls are just so cute!!! They are much more like Wellie Wishers, I think, with their happy expressions and bright eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I love the first Glitter Girl sculpt too but… I can love them both, right?

Ironically enough I had purchased some 14inch doll clothes a few days before I found her and they happily arrived the same day as she did! Fun! So of course she was drafted as a model immediately. Yeah, that’s right, move in my Doll House and I’ll put you right to work! *giggles*
So this is how the box comes, pretty cute and would work for a gift. 

The other side of box is same. I love how it says “Interesting costumes, my favourite”. It just makes me smile for some reason. 

Inside the box you find the clothes in a clear plastic bag. 
When you get them out of the bag, many of them (mainly the skirts) are really, really wrinkled. But they smooth out well enough, I didn’t iron any of them. (Me? Iron? Um… I have dust my iron every time I go to do it if that give you an idea of how often and how much I like to iron) One of the tops was even inside out. 

But just look at that price!!! The quality, condidering the price, is really very good. I mean, it looks like they sew them together and just stuff them in the bag but, as you can see, they go on rather cute. They even had the bunny ears and a few sets of panties! Nice! It’s only if you had a Granny like I did who was very very particular about sewing being done well that you’d likely comment on the quality. They look nice and all but the inside, the fabric was left with ‘raw edges’ that could potentially fray with a lot of childrens play… As an adult collector they are perfect really, but if you’re giving them to a child, it might not hurt to reinforce some of the seams. I’ll have to photograph the inside of a skirt so you can see what I mean. All in all though? I think this could be a fabulous little wardrobe for any little girl with a Wellie Wisher or Glitter Girl or other 14inch sized doll! 

I’ve decided to name the new doll Brittanie after a good friend from Church. She looks just like her!!

Better run! 

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