Battat Glitter Girls Dolls Have New Girls! New Clothes Too!

Doll Friends!!
Being in many Facebook Doll Groups… I tend to see things that come on the market almost immediately because some member of one group or another will find the new item and post it to the group. Over the last 24 hours or so, I started seeing this little freckled red-headed Glitter Girl in photos… What?! I thought I’d seen all the new style Glitter Girls already… I’ve even bought two of them. Teehee. But then I see this girl. So, knowing it was only a matter of time until someone shared a useful link to buy said dolls, I kept my eyes open. Sure enough, early this morning, links appeared from one of my sweet Doll-Loving-Sisterhood people and this little lady is on her way to the Doll House Village!
For whatever reason, these four new-new style Glitter Girls are 95cents more expensive than the other Glitter Girls on Amazon. Weird. Whatever, I am not gonna let a buck get between me and a cute new doll. LOL! 
This is another one that I hadn’t seen before named Kani. I can’t decide what I think of her eyebrows…? She’s probably on fleek to some people but I think she looks a bit ‘shocked’? What do you think?

This little gal is adorable… I thought I’d ‘screen shot’ her ‘close up’ photo too but alas I apparently forgot to? My phone is currently so dead it’s in the red and on the charger so… This photo will have to suffice for now. I love love love her little outfit too!

I don’t know how I am going to keep from buying this little gal… Her outfit makes very her tempting! I try not to be too repetitious in my Doll Population in the Doll House Village and I already have a few GG’s with blonde hair and blue eyes though so…. Hmmm….

I am super excited to find that they are bringing out new clothes too! I thought they’d just revamped their dolls and were going to keep the clothes the same….. But…. Check these out:

This is the first one I am going to buy when I get more Doll Mad Money next month… Yeah… That’s right… Next month. Because with the purchase of the freckled beauty above I wiped out every single cent of my September money. Hahaha. It’s not even the 15th. Oh well… I am quite behind in coming here to tell you about all the stuff I’ve blown through my money on so… (I could probably blog for a solid month on stuff I need to tell you about that is on my ‘mental to do’ list. Never enough time… LOL!)

I have a weakness for equestrian themed outfits!

This is my 2nd favorite! Orange overalls! Love! Blue jellies! Love!

Let’s get real though Doll Friends… You know I am going to end up getting all these sets at some point. I have a booming 14inch Doll Population that needs stylish clothes! 

Oh the windbreaker! SO CUTE!! Love the boots too! They have a yellow pair from the old sets like them and it’s one of my favs!

More clear jellies in this set. I bought two of the last set that had clear jellies mostly for the clear jellies… LOL

Shorts! Good thinking!

More PJs… Awesome… They need to make a swim suit set! Yeah, that’s right Battat Company, if you stumble across this post: Swim Suits are needed!! 
Looks like you can still get all the older style clothes too so… That’s good. They had some really cute ensembles!
I better run!
Happy Friday!

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