Sophia Doll’s Everyday Friends Doll Brooklyn Arrives In The Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends,
I love Sophia Doll’s!! They have such top notch products!! I’ve always thought so, having reviewed many of their items in the past. That was before they so kindly sent me an amazing care package so I could show some of thier new items to you fine people. So, having a special place in my heart, I’ve started to ‘keep an eye’ on thier shoppe on Amazon. The other day, I was checking in to see if they have anything new and what should I run across but this beauty?!

She’s a Sophia Everyday Friends Doll. I’m not sure if they are ‘new’ or just ‘new to Amazon’? In any case, they are seemingly the ‘more affordable’ option of thier dolls or perhaps the ‘more appropriate for younger children’ dolls? Whichever, she’s fabulous!!! Here she is in her box. 

Here is the back of the box. 

Side of box…

Other side of box…
Here is a close up of her pretty face. 

Would you believe that this is the box I got her in from Amazon. No packaging either, just loose in this HUGE box. How weird.
These dolls are a bit different than Sophia’s other 18inch dolls… They have vinyl bodies and non-sleep eyes. The quality, though, is just as top notch as all the other amazing items I’ve gotten from Sophia Doll’s in the past. 

She’s got a good weight to her and stands well! Look, she even has a belly button! How cute! Unlike the other 18inch dolls they make, she also has rooted hair. 

Here is her back. 

And the mark on the back of her neck. 

Isn’t she gorgeous!!!

Seriously, she is just so pretty. I think she’s going to be a great doll for ‘beach’ scenes because she’ll look so cute in swim suits! Not to mention, I could even get her wet a little bit if I wanted to because she is all vinyl! 

I think she is a great doll! She has the cute french manicure just like the more expensive Sophia Doll’s do too! Sweet!

I think she’s going to be a favorite in the Doll House Village!

I can’t wait to change her into a different outfit…

So pretty!

I’m not sure if I am going to keep her given name of Brooklyn or not… I do like it. 

So if you’re looking for a more affordable option to the regular Sophia Doll’s, this is a great one. I think she’s a fabulous doll!
Better run!

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