Battat Glitter Girls Eline Arrived At The Doll House!

Doll Friends!
Look who arrived on Tuesday? Eline, a Glitter Girl from Battat! She’s so pretty! 

 I only ended up with three photos of her in the box before I took her out… Ooops. I grabbed her up early Wednesday morning on my way out the door to Bible Study hoping to get some photos at a pretty park on the way home… 

So these are all I have of her in her box. I’ll have to take a photo of the box later because it has a new photo of the new line of Glitter Girls on it. 

One of her braids came loose when I unboxed her so… She has her hair down in these photos. As with the other Glitter Girls I own, I think she’s fabulous. 

I brought along Brittany and Brooklyn for photos too…

I had a dickens of a time trying to get the smaller girls to stand up for the photo because it was windy out… And hot… And buggy… So… Mostly I ended up photographing Brooklyn because she stands like a dream. 

 So I hope you enjoyed the photos! I better run!

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