Pamela and Prism Doll Go To The Mall And Find New Friends At Teddy Bear Connection!

Hi Doll Friends!!
So this past weekend had me going into ‘town’ for a Friday evening wedding… So I went in a little early and took a couple of dolls to the mall! Pamela Doll and Prism Doll were so excited to go! I made a little Youtube that has more photos and/or more angles of these. So check it out if you are so inclined. 

They loved the glass elevator!!

You know how they say writers and/artists sometimes paint or write themselves into the stories? Well, if you look at the reflection, you might see me…? 

This one wasn’t one of my favorite photos because while the dragon and bear were in a fun and correct ‘scale’ the table makes them look like they must be the pets of giants or something. So this one didn’t even make it into the YouTube. It’s a bonus just for you!

While I was at the mall, I naturally ran by the Teddy Bear Connection. The owner and her son were there and are always so sweet about letting me take photos! I took this one of Prism and Pamela in front of the beautiful clothes she sells for 18 & 14 inch dolls! She sells Sophia Doll’s Doll Clothes and I pretty much want one of everything…

Then the owner came out with two dolls she’d gotten via the doll company who’s dolls she sells. They were bald as the day they were molded *giggles* but they had gorgeous face sculpts and, as is becoming rarer and rarer, they had sculpts I don’t think I’ve ever seen before? 

These are two dolls from that company, American Fashion World. I’ve considered buying one for a while now, they are about $75 as I recall… But other dolls seemingly always manage to scratch and claw their way to the top of my ‘wish list’ first. The doll in the middle is the same Adora doll I have in the Doll House that is now Frank. 

So here is one of the dolls she brought out. 
Isn’t she striking!?!?
  This is her back. She’s got an interesting body shape… She has neck strings that someone cut at some point (Don’t do that! I know it’s tempting and a lot of people dont’ know they are there so you can fix your dolly!). I can replace them or change it out with a zip tie if I ever need to tighten her limbs though. 

And here is the second one. I am not sure if this one is from the same company as the other? 

Here is her back. The sweet owner gave me a wonderful price on them… I only had cash on hand for one but I am going to go back for the other on later this week, she’s holding her for me. They are going to be so pretty when they have wigs!!
 Sadly, I got so utterly distracted by the dolls that I forgot to take but one more photo in the adorable store itself! So here is that one!
Have a great week Doll Friends!

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