Mystery 2015 American Fashion Doll World 18inch Doll Gets A Wig And A Name!

Hi Doll Friends!!
In yesterday’s post I told you about a mystery doll I got from the owner of a local Teddy Bear shop called Teddy Bear Connection. I put a few wigs on her when I got her home but when I put this one on I knew it was ‘the one’. I’ve named her Naomi Lizzie and I think she’s gorgeous!! 

I think she looks pensive… So pretty!

I giggled when I put her in this pose… like she’s running away from the castle!

Frann and Handra decided to join the photo! They had been showing Naomi around the Doll House Village when they all came upon this backdrop being used for another post and… Had to stop for photos of course! Heeheehee… What other post? It’ll probably be the next one I post about some amazing new Halloween Costumes I got from Sophia Doll. 
So… Until next time!

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