FAO Schwartz Madame Alexander 14inch Doll Thrift Store Find!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!
In a recent posting, I told you about a Tommy Hilfiger Madame Alexander Doll I found at the thrift store. I must’ve really liked the doll because I paid $14.99 and for me, at a thrift store, that is some hefty money. She was worth it though, as I said in my first post, just for her clothes. I knew when I bought her that she’d be re-wigged and I suspected she was going to re-wigged into a boy wig and become a brother in the Doll House
As I said in my other posting about this doll, I’d never seen one like it before. And that, my friends, is saying something. I’ve scoured the internet for countless hours shopping doing research and not once in the nearly half decade I’ve been indulging my doll hoard hobby have I ever seen one? 

I would never ever have guessed, either, that she could be a Madame Alexander doll?!!?? Madame Alexander, to the best of my recollection, usually have a very distinct sort of face sculpt with a ‘kissy pouty face’ look to them… For lack of a better way to put it. This doll is nothing like that… In fact, to me, from the moment I laid eyes on her, she was a boy. She just looks like a boy to me? What can I say? Some dolls are just like that. I think? Do you agree?

Her sculpt is interesting too! Her eyebrows are not only painted but also sculpted in… Interesting right?

And she is a top notch well articulated doll too! After researching her I found out that she is a FAO Schwartz Doll and that there were apparently several different girls in the collection. 

She as pretty dirty when I got her but a Norwex cloth cleaned her right up…

I wanted to show you how she was made but wanted to protect her dignity and so… I put her in a swimsuit. I used to do nude doll photos all the time in reviews but… It just seems sort of mean! 
I am such a dork. 

So anyway, here she is. She’s so cool because she can go into so many different poses!

And here he is! I think he looks perfect as a boy!! Do you agree? I went ahead and did some beach photos with him so you could see him shirtless… I think it’s hysterical that he even has nipples. I love funny details on dolls. 

Here he is building some sand castles…

I had already pulled out the ‘beach box’ and so I figured I’d just do a whole beach scene…. With all the dreary rain lately, it was kind of fun to ‘take the dolls to the beach’. I even made a YouTube video if you’re keen to watch such things. 

So I am really glad to have found this little fella! 
Better run! 


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