Thrifted Journey Girl Kyla Gets A Makeover!

Hi Doll Friends!
Ever since ToysRUs went out of business, my Journey Girls seem more ‘precious’ to me than they did before they closed. I guess it’s because you can no longer just go to the store and buy one at regular price anytime you take the notion. If you look at them on eBay, as best as I can tell, the prices already reflect them being no longer available. So, I decided that I’d probably also be keen to buy any Journey Girls I happened to find when I was out Thrifting. Even if I already have the same doll at home, I can always customize and make them unique. 
So… Recently… Low and behold…

I found a Journey Girl Kyla at Goodwill for $3.99! I already have a Kyla at home that I renamed Vanessa and so I knew I’d likely change her hair to give her a new look. Here she is in her ‘before’ photo. She didn’t have any clothes on in the store and so I had to throw a robe on the poor dear! She’s so pretty even all dirty and with her hair a mess. Journey Girls are so beautiful, right?

Given that her hair was a bit of a rats-nest already, it wasn’t that hard to decide to cut it all off. I could’ve likely brushed it out and hot-dipped her and salvaged it but… Why not just give her a new look? 

As happenstance would have it, I also recently found a plethora of actual, authentic American Girl Doll Wigs on eBay for prices that almost made me fall off my chair. I may or may not have bought eight of them. Teehee. (They are not all the same, you’ll see them as I get them on dolls and a chance to come tell you about them.) So, here she is with her new hairdo! I think she looks fantastic!!!! What do you think? As for her body, she is in really great shape other than the bottom of her feet have her first owners name written on them. (Think Woody in ToyStory) I am sure it will come off with a bit of zit-cream and some sun… Sadly sun has been in short supply in my neck of the woods lately, it’s been raining like I live in Forks! Crazy! I love me some rain but even I have my limits! Haha. 
I better run! I want to try and finish another post this morning. Oh, side note; I want to apologize for the somewhat less consistent posting lately. I had a huge change to my schedule recently and it’s thrown me for a loop trying to adjust. I am sure I’ll settle into my new routine soon but in the meantime there are likely more i’s not being dotted and t’s not being crossed than I’d like. 
Oh well, just me learning to be more humble and to accept my limitations, right? 
Have a great day!

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