Dolly’s and Dolly Item Sightings & Scores At Target, Thrift Stores & Hobby Lobby!

Hi Doll Friends,
I take photos anytime I am out and about and see dolls or doll related items so I can show them to y’all! Here are some of the things I’ve seen recently…. 

These are two of the Glitter Girls I hadn’t seen before in person… I am trying to resist buying the little lady with the unicorn top. She has lavendar eyes though and…. I am probably gonna end up getting her at some point, lets get real. Haha.

Then at Goodwill I got this huge bag of crafty items for only $3.99! I saw enough doll sized items in there to buy it… 

Such. A. Score!! Look (above) at all the stuff that was in the bag! I didn’t keep all of it but a whole lot of it I did… I will look foward to showing you the items in future posts! One of those baggies with the little wooden items (in the middle top) are labeled ‘jelly jars’ and that is exactly what they are shaped like! I will have to go dig thru my craft paint and see what colors I have. I have wanted some ‘jelly’ jars to put in Charlsea’s Farmers Market. The little birdhouses are going to be perfect for a little ‘shop class’ I want to have with Joshua Doll teaching the other boys how to make bird houses. I like that there are quite a few different styled ones because that will seem like the boys all choose their own design. I thought it would be cute to have a little party with the dolls decorating those small hats for their dolls. We shall see… 

Then these are a few items I got both at Goodwill, Walmart, Michael’s and Hobby Lobby. I’ve already used the Unicorn Floaty & the beach balls in a post about the Madame Alexander Tommy Hilfiger Doll I found recently and a YouTube video. So cute! You may notice the Scarecrow ankle and wrist bands (far left bottom)… I saw them and all I saw were Hula Skirts. I haven’t tried one on a doll yet but I think they are going to work! I got the gold shoes & wooden crosses at Micheal’s and the gingerbread men and beach balls at Hobby Lobby. (regular price was $3.99 but I used my 40% off coupon) I got the pretty Christmas bags at Dollar Tree! I think they are really pretty. Then I got the Luau themed boxes (upper left) thinking they’ll be cute as decorations at my next Luau at the Doll House. I really need to have one of those again soon anyway because now I have more hula skirts! Cat can have another Hula Class

I went back and forth with myself over this doll… She was only marked $3.99 and I having one of those ‘WHY didn’t I BUY her??” moments if only for that terrific outfit! Oh well… I am sure she went home with someone and made them very happy. 🙂

Then I stopped in to Tuesday Morning for some coffee syrup and, low and behold, what do I see but…. A new line of Style Girls!! Nice!! Isn’t this little lady gorgeous?!

Seriously, so pretty.

Here is another one from the line.

And another… With a unicorn top. I have a weakness for unicorn tops. Uh-oh. 

It appears they all have names! They didn’t have any Valentina’s but it’s fun to be able to see the whole line of dolls. 

Then I noticed that they also had new Style Girl fashion ensembles. They are really cute!!! They were marked about $6.99 and I picked up this cute pink outfit and put it in my buggy and thought about it for a few minutes… But honestly, I’ve gotten quite a lot of doll items lately and I feel almost like I need to stop buying stuff until I am caught up with them. 
(Ok, you can stop laughing now… A girl can have goals!!! Heeheehee

They also have a cute new Style Dreamers Line.

Very cute! I only saw Charlie and Maisie but there are two other dolls in the line as well, Melanie and Armelle. I think they came up with some cute and clever sounding names. Well done Style Girls! 

My next stop was Hobby Lobby…
Here is their doll section… I noticed that they had quite a lot of styles I hadn’t seen before. I will certainly be back to get some of them at some point or other. Heeheehee. I took photos of the styles I hadn’t seen before just in case you haven’t seen them either!
Marigold Market had quite a few I hadn’t seen before…
Very cute!!

I love the PJs with donuts on them!

Cute sailor dress…

Here is me going “Why didn’t I buy that?! It’s adorable!” So… Next time!

They really are stepping their game up in so many doll lines… I love it!

Springfield had a few I hadn’t seen before as well…

I really like these tee & legging outfits. I live in Tshirts and jeans myself so they are practically my ‘life’ uniform.

I love the baseball and basketball outfits! So glad they are coming out with more boy clothes!
I particularly like this volleyball uniform. 

I saw these angel wings and though they’d make a great item for a costume for your dolls for either Halloween or a Christmas play. 

These were in with the smaller scale 1/12 Doll House items I thought they’d make great ‘mini stuffed animals’ for the dolls… 

Here is where I got the little beach balls… In the party favors section. They also had little Bibles! I might buy some of those for Frann’s School

Then I ran over to the Christmas ornament secion to see which of the ornaments would make good accessories for the dolls… This wood spoon was adorable!

It has a matching rolling pin!!

And egg beater!! Oh my!!

Loved this sushi set! I already have sushi in the doll house kitchen though so I wasn’t really tempted to buy it. 

Here are gingerbread houses much like the ones I got a few years ago at Hobby Lobby. 

As you might’ve guessed, these are the gingerbread men I have in the photo of things I bought. Yes, they are what I couldn’t resist. So cute!

These cake slices on pretty plates would be very nice for a Doll Tea Party

More gingerbread houses….

Cute coffee’s!!

I might have to get one of these gingerbread locomotives!

I love the tool box too!

Then this little rooster (?) I found at Walmart in their Christmas Section. I didn’t buy one because I already have some chickens in the Doll House and how many does one Doll House really need? 
Well… I better run!
Have a fantastic week Doll Friends!

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