Charlsea’s Farm Stand Photo’s And YouTube Video!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I took these photo’s of Charlsea’s Farm Stand weeks ago… I made a YouTube video with them and apparently totally forgot to even mention them or post them here on the Blog at all. I tell you, having so many ‘venue options’ on the internet that it becomes more and more easy to get a post up on one and totally forget to post on the others. Blogger, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook & Google+ are ‘all’ I try and I know there are even more than that… And as I was listing them all out there, I realize I probably haven’t posted anything to Pinterest in months…
 I know… First world problems. Eh? 
Then these last week and a half or so we have had family in town… I am exhausted and feel like I’ve been running just to try and keep up with everything and I am still dropping balls all over the place. So, here is me apologizing for being a bit less consistent of late… Trust me, no one in the world is ready for me to get back to my regular pace and schedule than I am. I mean, it’s nice to see people from out of town but in modern day life, nothing else slows down at all so it’s just ‘one more thing’ to add to your life. Did I mention I am exhausted? So… If you’re the praying sort I’d love it if you could lift me up some prayers that I’ll keep a correct perspective for the rest of the week and just roll with whatever comes? That would be wonderful.
So, here are the photos I took of Charlsea’s Farm Stand. I used a lot of components from when I got several My Life As Doll sets on clearance. I had a lot of fun putting it all together and the YouTube video is probably one of my favorite ones yet. 
I have to run…! Where does the time go? 
Off to herd the cats! (get the teenagers out the door to school)

2 thoughts on “Charlsea’s Farm Stand Photo’s And YouTube Video!

  1. Thanks so much Linda! It’s always so nice to hear positive feedback! ❤️ I’ve had the bags a few years now, my kids got them back in our Awana days as prizes from the “store”. (They earned tokens when they learned scripture) They were made by Oritental Trading Company because that is where we got 90% of our prizes. I looked and they still have the mini tote bags… but only ones that are religious in that size currently is one with nativity on them. I wonder if eBay has any… (off to research! Heehee) ❤️


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