Frann And Patti Doll Go To The Mall… Weeks Ago…

Doll Friends,
Have you ever had a period of your life where you feel like you are barely treading water on the ‘have-to’s’ (you know, like eating & sleeping and other ‘basics’)… Much less getting anything ‘extra’ (blogging, texting friends, dusting…) done. Well, that’s been me since the day I took these photos on October 10th, er, well, actually a couple of days before that…
I rely very heavily on my consistent schedule and it had already changed, or disappeared and been replaced with a different (albeit better and friendlier although much looser) one in mid summer…  So I was still adjusting to that when a out of town family member (whom we hadn’t really seen much for over a decade because reasons) decided to invite themselves into our lives for a period of three weeks. What?!?! I don’t know about you but having family ‘in town’ is exhausting… You’re always ‘on’ and can never really relax. Luckily, for me, it doesn’t happen very often (ok, barely ever) and certainly not for three strait weeks. I was game to try though for sake of my sweet husband because he wanted to get along better with said family member. (It’s a long long story that is kind of irrelvant with regards to details, we all have ‘those people’ in our lives don’t we?) 
So… Given all those variables, despite my best efforts to the contrary, I sort of just quit doing much ‘doll stuff’ for three whole weeks. I’ll be honest, I was in a rather bad slump of depression. I was trying to put on a good face and make peace with this person but… Well, there was a lot to unpack with that and stuff I’d avoided for, well, ten years. Blah. Well, one of the first things to go when you trip and fall into depression? The stuff you love… I just started seeing my dolls through this person’s eyes, “silly and pointless and a waste of money and time.” (Don’t you love how such people never say such things to your face but instead to other people so you get the joy of hearing it second hand… Fun times.) 
Finally… The person left. They live fourteen hours from here and over some mountains and I started breathing better when they were about eight hours into their trip away from here. Is that terrible to say? Doll’s are so much easier to deal with than real people, eh? My mind is slowly thawing out and so is my heart and mind… I literally feel like they’ve been in a deep freeze or something. 
So, just trying to explain to you, dear reader, why I’ve been so sporadic and MIA for the better part of a month. I haven’t even touched my Halloween stuff despite being really excited about it this year because I got quite a few great new costumes… So that might just not happen and I’ll have to keep them for next year. Who knows, maybe I’ll do a mini-Halloween photo shoot but it likely won’t be nearly as much detail as the last couple of years have been. 
I better run! Thanks for being a Doll Friend! Ya’ll are some of my very favorite people! 
Till next time!

4 thoughts on “Frann And Patti Doll Go To The Mall… Weeks Ago…

  1. Hi heather ! I actually have followed this blog since 2016 winter when I start collecting/ hoarding dolls And too chicken to comment ! Thank you so much ! With your tips , I made my own custom doll recently and I love her ! THX SO MUCH! I hope you will feel better soon ! Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t , everyone needs a break sometimes !Best wishes from HK !


  2. Hi HK! I tried to answer this from my phone yesterday but apparently don't know what I am doing. LOL Thanks so much for the comment! It means a lot to me to know you've enjoyed reading the blog and have gotten something out of it. I'd LOVE to see your doll!! I am feeling better already! Due in no small part from Doll Friends like you! ❤


  3. Hi heather ! Thanks for replying! Do you have a email so that I could send it to you ? I’ve checked most of your posts and couldn’t find a email, since I live in Hk so many things are missing ! No thrift stores , Walmart and the shipping on everything is three times the original price ! So thx for recommending muzi wigs ( what I used for my doll) Here it’s weekend so have a great weekend to you to0 !


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