Halloween 2018 Costume Ball at the Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends!!

As I mentioned in my last post, I really didn’t get Halloween ‘done’ the way I wanted to this year by either setting up a big Halloween Party in the Doll House or by taking some of the dolls out in costumes to take some Trick-or-Treat photos like I’ve done in years past. I was really bummed out because I had quite a few new costumes I’d picked up over the past year that I was looking forward to adding to the scenes. So… At the very last minute I decided to just change my plan instead of canceling it. I already had a few dolls dressed in their costumes and so I decided I’d dress a few more up and throw a Halloween Costume Party Ball! As is becoming my habit when I take a lot of doll photos, I also made a YouTube Video of it. So… Halloween wasn’t a total wash for 2018, it was just differently celebrated. Eh? Hope you enjoy seeing some of the new costumes as much as I enjoyed finding them and dressing the dolls in them!

Better run! Hope you have a great weekend!


You can tell I was trying to get a good panoramic photo… I kept lopping off dolls heads… LOL

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