Frann and Audra Enjoying Beautiful Autumn Colors!

Happy Sunday Doll Friends!
Last week I drove into town and since it was a nice day, I took Frann Doll and Audra Doll along with me in hopes of getting some photos of them out in the beautiful Autumn colors! One of my favorite places to take photos is a park thats on my route into town… It is such a pretty place!

I mentioned I took both Frann and Audra along with me… Well, I hate to report I had a really difficult time getting her to stand properly? I am not sure if it was the shoes I put on her or what? In any case, I took most of the photos of Frann because she has always stood up very well. 


I love the boots she’s wearing! I just got them from Sophia Doll recently and think they might be one of my very favorite pair of boots in the Doll House Wardrobe. I actually purchased them in this set which also included the shoes Audra is wearing with her JoJo Siwa outfit (below). The set also included an umbrella, a sports bra and two pairs of sunglasses. So, pretty great set for $16.00!

The rest of Frann’s outfit are the t-shirt and jeans that came in the Udderly Adorable Maplelea set and the hoody is from Springfield I think… Look at me all of the sudden giving clothes details. Haha. I always think I should be better about that, giving information about the dolls themselves or the clothes they are wearing or the accessories they are using. But that would likely take up half the post and might bore some of you to tears. So… If you ever ever see anything in a photo that you’re curious about, don’t be shy about asking! 

As I said, Audra here is wearing the JoJo Siwa 2018 outfit from My Life As… Except I added the pink shoes and the gold skirt from Sophia Doll because I thought they matched perfectly. 

Well, I better run if I am going to get to church on time! 
Have a fantastic day!

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