Goodwill and Thrift Store Sights and Scores!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
When I go to town and have one in the neighborhood I am in, I generally always stop in to the Goodwill or thrift shop. It’s like treasure hunting almost because I’ve found some amazing stuff at them in the past! Recently, over the last six months to a year, I have tried to get more realistic about how much room I have in my Doll Room. So I decided I can only buy things at Thrift if they are absolutely ‘original’ in that I don’t already own one or two or four... Teeheehee. So when I go now, I mostly just take photos. So here are some of the things I’ve seen most recently in my Goodwill adventures. Obviously, above, is an Our Generation doll that I left for some other person to find and take home to love. 

This one was so adorable and… I actually put it in my cart for a little bit but it was really pretty big and people don’t have TVs like this anymore… But it is cute!

This I passed on because I already have two styling chairs. Cute stripes though!

I’d never seen a Whoopsie Doll before…? Have you?

This little doll bed was so cute!! It was probably a tiny bit too big for 18inch dolls in that I think it was more like 20-22inch from head to foot. But still…. Pretty cute!

It reminded me of the song by John Denver entitled “Grandma’s Feather Bed“.
 I was good and left it there. 

I thought this fella was interesting both in the face sculpt and the HUGE hands. Right?

I let him be my ‘model’ to show this little hobby horse… The boy doll is about 16 inches tall. It would’ve been cute for the doll house but I already have a rocking horse and so left it there. 

This would’ve been cute for a ‘carnival scene’! Looking at it now, I am like 
WHY didn’t I buy that?!?
Thrift shop regrets are the worst! Not really but why?

This little lady almost got purchased just ‘because’… She’s a german made dolls in the style of Gotz dolls and… I do love them ever so much. But…

I was good and left her there. 

However, I do buy some things… like this little grouping I got recently. I am bummed seeing the Halloween sweater because I completely forgot to use it in my Halloween post. Rats. Oh well, always next year. The Tupperware mug is totally adorable and in the 1970s olive green I had in my own house growing up. The angklets/bracelets I use as knecklaces for the dolls. The coffee grinder needs no explaination because oh-my-cute, right? The little knitted sweater/coat was only 50cents and so I figured I’d try it on a doll… Maybe? I can always redonate. The scissors? Because for some reason, in my house, scissors fall into a black hole or something because I can never find them even though I know I’ve purchased dozens of pairs. Haha. So I often buy cheapies like this to put in the ‘pencil’ cup so perhaps my kids’ll grab them first before they take my good ones from my craft tote. Eh?
I better run! Where oh where does the time go? 

2 thoughts on “Goodwill and Thrift Store Sights and Scores!

  1. I think a 20\” bed is probably better for an 18\” doll in terms of realism. Most children don't sleep in beds their exact height, after all. But of course it takes up more space so they usually make the beds just big enough for the dolls.


  2. You passed up a lot of great things! I kept thinking,\”Oh! I hope she bought THAT!\” I'm afraid I'm a lot weaker than you are! I would have definitely come home with that bed and that TV!


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