Newly Released Playtime By Eimmie 18inch Dolls at Amazon!

Doll Friends!
I am so curious about this doll! She was just released… I saw her on Amazon the day before she was released on November 2nd and I’ve been fighting myself about ordering her ever since. She looks just like a Madame Alexander Play Wonder doll in her sculpt I think… Do you agree? I think she is the exact same sculpt as my Mary Doll who you can see in my Madame Alexander Collection So Far Post. She (Mary the Play Wonder) has since gone to live with my good friend Frann across the sea… I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of dolls I tend to have come live at the Doll House. They follow me home, I am telling you! So sometimes I feel the need to send a few on to a new home and so it’s always so nice when they can go to someone you love. Right? I digress…

Back to this new doll… She is made by the same company that I got my awesome Playscape and furniture set from a few months ago. I still think that is a top notch set and have, more than once, toyed with idea of buying a second one just for the neat furniture (I could push the two tables together to make one long table for big dinners!) but just haven’t taken the plunge yet…

This little doll comes with a pretty top notch looking doll carrying bag… It looks to be the exact same style as the Our Generation carrying bag, which I have three of and think they are the best of all the doll bags out there honestly. Three? Two of them were thrift store finds…! And I have a LOT of dolls that go a lot of places with me… What can I say… Hahaha. 

She also comes with a cute outfit and a set of PJs and these adorable shoes… I am weak. I am sure I’ll buy her… Just a matter of time… Teehee…

She also comes with an option of buying a $199 package where you (or the little girl who gets the doll) get a little doll care package with clothes and accessories 10 times after you buy the doll… Kind of like a Doll Stitch Fix. Kind of intriguing but I am more of a ‘pick my own doll clothes if I am going to buy them new’ kind of a girl myself… Haha.
Sorry, by the way, for the less frequent postings lately… I have plenty to get photographed and posted about but life has been coming at me fast in my ‘real life’ and my hobby life is taking a hit. Trust me, I’m not going anywhere. Dolls just make me smile and it’s so nice to share my enthusiasm with peopel who love them as much as I do!
Better run!

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