Frann Visits the Park and Target To See Our Generation New Items!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I took Frann Doll along with me when I went into town last week in hopes of getting an opportunity to take some photos.

I was able to get a few shots at the park… But ultimately only got these four really because it was just too windy that day…

I do love the four photos I got though. Frann is such a beautiful doll. 

So, since we didn’t get many photos at the park I thought 
“Why not run by Target and see what’s new?”
Right away when we got there I saw these cute little tree’s in their Dollar Spot for $3.00 each. I didn’t buy any but they are cute. 

This little hot dog cart is really pretty cute! I am not even going to think about getting one though. There is only so much space in the Doll Room

Here is Frann by the cute pink Jeep! I think the heart shaped headlights are cute! Why can’t they make those for real cars? Hahaha.

Oh no! The Beach House was there and also on sale!?!? It took every ounce of my self control to walk away from it. The accessories are amazing and it really is a cute little house. I kind of wish they’d have made it with the kitchen cabinets and bed were removeable so you could configure your own way of setting things up inside the house. If I had unlimited amounts of space, I’d totally buy it but luckily for my pocketbook and likely my family, space is finite in our home. Hahaha. Or I’d have an actual Doll Village! For reals! 

“I will not buy the orange food truck, I will not buy the orange food truck… I already have a food truck... I don’t need one in orange…”

But Frann can try it out!

Just look at all those amazing food items!

They really do a bang up job with these things… They think of everything! Even the little notepad to take orders with. 

We had to show you the shoes. I always look at these and think they are adorable. However, I have, heretofore been able to resist I may or may not have bought those little fringed brown suede boots right next to Frann’s left hand. That reminds me… No one has modeled them yet! I need to put them on someone for Thanksgiving dinner….!

I do not need the Awesome Academy… I do not need the school… I do not need the school… I set up little schools in my doll house all the time so I do not need the school…”
Seriously though? Unlimited money and space and I’d so own it too. I keep thinking these are all going to homes where the kids mostly outgrow dolls.
*sob* *sadness*
So they are likely going to be gotten rid of at some point… So… A few years down the road, maybe I’ll score one at Garage Sale” Then it would be impossible to resist, room or no room! Eh? All bets are off then! I’ll laugh and link back to this post if I ever do find one… Like “Yes!!” 

I’d not seen these babies before. Not quite as perfect as the Circo babies were I don’t think but would be a good baby sibling for the dolls I think. 

Yet another thing I keep consdering buying some of… However, they are $2.50 each which doesn’t really sound all that expensive until you buy a few. Not to mench I have all manner of doll food in the Doll House already. They are pretty cute though! Like I said about the school, Garage Sales! I’ll blink and perhaps I’ll be finding these cuties in the 25cent boxes of toys. Eh?

“I will not start a whole new ‘collection’ of mini-dolls for my dolls… I will not start a whole new ‘collection’ of mini-dolls for my dolls… I will not start a whole new ‘collection’ of mini-dolls for my dolls…” 
Still, how stinking cute is that? 

I also ran by a few thrift shoppes but I never bring dolls into them because how are they to know I had the doll when I walked in? Lord forbid they think I am taking my own doll! You know what I mean? In any case, yet another beauty salon chair. I really do need to grab out the two I have and make a ‘salon’ scene soon. Life just needs to stop coming at me 100mph! Right?

These little tea sets were oh so cute… But… No. 

Oh I so wanted to pick up a couple (or all) of these burgandy tumblers but… I was good. I have way too much stemwear for the dolls already. Aren’t they adorable though? 
I wax and wane between my dolls having ‘adult stories’ (Like in the photos where Heather and Josh doll were getting married or having an anniversary dinner) and being children… 
It’s like they are in some magical land in between I guess. 
Magic of make-believe; there is no time to worry about, food is never eaten so never runs out, no one ever gets sick, laundry rarely needs done since the dolls don’t get dirty really, no one really even needs to sleep… Eh?

Oh my, that was hard to resist! Such a cute crystal goblet but… No no no!! If they’d have had two I might’ve bought them but… Nope. I left it there. Are you proud of me?
I better run! So many posts brewing I just have finishing touches to make so… Till next time!

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