Thanksgiving 2018 Photos From The Doll House! Part Two

Hi Doll Friends! 
I hope ya’ll had a great Thanksgiving weekend! I sure did! It was lowkey and relaxed, just like I prefer! As you may recall, Heather Doll gets a bit more elaborate with her Thanksgiving plans
She put on Thanksgiving dinner for twelve of the dolls in the Doll House (the rest of the Dolls in the Doll House had other plans. Heeheehee… Just kidding… I just only have so many chairs and tables though! 

So here is Heather Doll welcoming Josh and Asbee as they arrive…

Then came Frann and her two friends (my adorable new Paola Reina’s from my real friend Frann and they haven’t actually been named yet… I alarmedly just realized I never finished a blog post about!??! Oy vey! I am dropping ever so many balls lately?!) So I’ll have to get that post finished up… I posted photos of them to the Facebook page but apparently totally neglected to make a post about them. *face palm*

Aren’t they adorable! They are wearing sweaters that real Frann made! She does such an amazing job with them! Their cute dresses were made by Goofy! The brown haired doll is even customized with a makeover to her face-paint. So gorgeous! So they are super special to me!! 

Josh and Ashbee checking out the food… 

Such a pretty table!

Of course Vito & Lilly had to come. Lilly thought it would be cute to wear her Hogwarts uniform since she missed the Halloween Party this year as she had other plans. 

The next to arrive was Harper and another doll who hasn’t told me her name yet… LOL I can’t seem to name them until one just ‘fits’. She’s so gorgeous!

Last to arrive were Pamela and Layla arrived. They brought the ham and a few side dishes…

By the way this is the Crockpot set from My Life As Doll and I never really reviewed it because, well, I apparently am slipping on dotting all my i’s and crossing all my t’s lately. But it’s SUPER cute and I am so glad I got it. Every ‘pot luck’ dinner I went to as a kid had several crock pots. They are a necessity. Hahaha.

They waited to say grace before they all went to get their food. I didn’t manage to get any photos of them actually eating. Teehee… They just gobbled it all down too quickly. *giggles*

So it was a nice Thanksgiving! I made a couple of YouTube videos of the day if you’d like to check them out… They have many more photos than I put here because it’s a bit of a sequenced story video… You can find them here and here
I also thought I’d mention that I recently bought a photography light for my indoor photos and it makes such a huge difference in the light quality. I love it! It breaks down to store and is easy to set up. My only regret is I didn’t buy one two years ago. Haha. It was about $40 on eBay!
Gotta run! Where does the time go?

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