Journey Girls Japan In Shopko Stores!

Hi Doll Friends!
As I mentioned in a recent blog post, Shopko is seemingly going to be the new distributor of Journey Girl Dolls! So the other day when I was in town I stopped by a Shopko in hopes of seeing them in person… And sure enough they had them! 
I felt very disciplined not to buy this outfit pack but Christmas is coming and I need to be spending money on other people not myself… Teehee…

I am sorry for the glare but I was trying to get close up photos of each of the four Journey Girls they had… 

It appears this year is going to have the girls traveling to Japan! How exciting!

Here is a photo from back of box…

And what whole box looks like…

A close up of the art on box…

I am hoping they will release more items like other clothes and more of the group of girls… But in any case it’s so lovely to see these beautiful dolls back in stores!
Better run! 
Have a great weekend!!

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