Latest Thrift Score Sights and Scores! A whole Case of Doll Sized LaLaLoopsy Dolls And More!!

Hi Doll Friends,
Just a few thrift store sights and scores to show you. Above are two dolls I left at the store…

This juke box was so cool and perfectly sized. I already have a juke box so I didn’t buy it… 

Look! There is an old school land line phone inside! 

Here are a few things I couldn’t pass up… 

This tea set was just too gorgeous to leave there! I have too many tea sets likely but… 
How could I not?

Pretty little ‘salts’ to use as doll bowls…

A cute fabric wreath in perfect size for Doll House.

I. Love. These. Pillows!! 
I got all of them for only $4.99!! In my real life I’ve always loved ‘tapestry’ pillows and I have a few in the Doll House as well… But now I have one for each month (the twelve on the left) and others for other times of the year… 
SO much fun!! 

This was a score as well! The whole case was only $2.50!

I’ve always loved La La Loopsy Dolls because my daughter had some when they were at the height of popularity when she was younger… In this post Lilly Doll even shows off one of the La La Loopsies from back when my daughter was younger. 

Here is what case looked like when I first opened it… 

And all of them out of the case…

I think I am going to keep most of them… So my Lilly Doll can have a ‘collection’ of course! I’d never collect the larger sized ones but these are so small what can it hurt? Heeheehee

I think I’ll get rid of the damaged ones though…. And the case and the ‘accessories’ save a few…

So not bad finds lately!! Have you found anything terrific at Thrift Stores recently?
Gotta run!

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