Fun Deco Doll House Backdrops; Shorter Than Before…?

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Late last year and early this year, I got a couple of my favorite doll backdrops from Amazon that are made by FunDeco Company. I got both the outdoor and indoor versions and I love them both and have used them many many times over the last year… One thing I always thought would be fun and a good idea was to buy an additional set of both of them because I’d be able to make bigger rooms with them. One thing that always kept me from it was 1) I always came up with something more fun and exciting to spend my doll mad money on and 2) I thought it might look silly to have two of the framed artwork they have in the scenes or two fireplaces or what-have-you… But recently when I got a bit of money for my birthday, I decided it was the time to take the plunge and order a second set. I decided to go with the indoor set first because I do more indoor scenes than outdoor ones… I think? (I had to choose one or the other! I’m sure I’ll get an addtional outdoor one at some point… Lets get real… Once I get an idea in my head it’s hard to rout out. LOL) 

So I ordered them and as is the magic of Amazon Prime, they were on my doorstep within days… How did we ever live before the internet? Eh? 

So I excitedly opened them up and decided I’d use them to make a Christmas Decorating scene. I grabbed out my other set and………

Was surprised to find that 1) the newer ones were shorter than the older ones by a couple inches at least and 2) my older set had darker ‘wallpaper’ and, I didn’t notice before, a shadowy side of the wallpaper on the older set. 
What?! Why!? 

See the difference? I was pretty annoyed, I won’t lie… But… I decided to just roll with it and pretend that the discolored wallpaper was the result of many years of fireplace soot. Or something… 

Here is a whole ‘large room’ made with the two sets… I used the pink couch to cover up the mismatched chair rail at first but then moved the fireplace over to cover it instead. So I think I’ll still be able to use the backdrops together but they won’t match quite as well as I’d hoped. How strange. I imagine they cut the size to cut production costs…? I am sure glad, actually, that I ordered this second set because my other two blogs about the first two sets would now be misleading as I think I mentioned on thing I liked about them was how tall they were. *sigh*

So there is that… I better run!

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