My Salon Doll The Doll With Real Human Hair, Arrives At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
My name is Heather and I am a dollaholic… I’ve haven’t bought a doll… 
In about a week… (cos delivery time…)
So… Doll Friends… Just when you think you have All. The. Dolls.
You come across one that you wonder how you missed before. Or at least I do… 
You know… As I am out shopping researching so I can keep you, dear reader, abreast of all the latest happenings in the 14-18inch doll market. I do it all for you!!
When I came across these dolls, it was from an ad on Facebook. Do they ever have my number or what? Anyway, happy to have seen the advert because it brought me to the website of these fascinating dolls. They are quite unique even in the 18inch doll world and, lately, that’s saying something! Right? 
Here is my first My Salon Dolls doll. Her name, from the company, is Malaree but I have 99% decided to call her Moser because of her eyes, half the reason I bought her. It’s a family name so I know it’s unusual but nowadays… What does that even mean? So, meet Moser!
Here she is, in the box with the packing paper when I opened it up…

And a peek through the window at her beautiful face!

This is the side of the box told me this interesting tidbit that I didn’t even know before I ordered her. 

I’ve already checked out the Styles & Smiles Academy and they are sweet videos even if the sound quality is a bit distracting. You can tell the instructors know how to style hair and they give you good tips on stying your My Salon Doll at home. 
Styling at home? Well, you see, these dolls are made with acutal human hair and so can have their hair washed, blown dry and even hot ironed! Pretty neat. The other neat part is that their hair is not ‘wigged’ but neither is is ‘plugged’ in the way you are used to seeing. It’s made, from what I understand, the same way that store manquins are produced, where the hair is ‘plugged’ but, if I understand it right, it’s done strand by strand. I’m not sure exactly how they do it but it is unlike any other doll hair I’ve ever seen!

I think it’s interesting how they have her head tilted down in the box… Perhaps to show how poseable she is? It makes her look even more intriguing though so perhaps that’s why?

Here is one side of the box.

The back of the box.

The other side of the box.
And the top of the box. 

My first glimpse of her hair… See what I eman? So unique!! I am not really sure, yet, what I think of it. I mean, it doesn’t bother me and I think it’s pretty. But, despite what they say about you being able to style it in many different ways, it looks so ‘fragile’ to me. I am sure I’ll change my mind when I take it out of the ponytails and brush it etc. 

Her. Face. Is. Gorgeous!
I don’t even think photos capture how pretty she really is. 

As I mentioned, her head is poseable. It can turn in just about any direction and holds the pose well. So awesome for doll photos!

She sits really well too, without the ‘splits’ seating that some 18inch dolls do. 

I love her outfit too…! So cute and well made! Look at the cuffs on her long sleeves! Cute details like that denote top notch quality. Well done!

I’d like to show you more about this beautiful doll but honestly I am not even supposed to have her yet. She is this years ‘big gift’ from my husband for Christmas. He, knowing I’d be chomping at the bit to look her over and to show her to ya’ll, said he didn’t mind if I took her out of the box for a quick look over… But I don’t want to spoil the entire Christmas moment of awe so I am not changing her outfit or taking it off (even to check the bottom of her foot!!) until I open her from under the tree on Jesus’ Birthday. So… Something to look forward to! 

I better run! Have a great weekend!

One thought on “My Salon Doll The Doll With Real Human Hair, Arrives At The Doll House!

  1. I cant wait till you really get her after Christmas 😉 please do a full review? I have a via e doll and a herstory doll coming for Christmas but I accidentally bought a bonnie & pearl doll for a steal on ebay lol


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