Thrift Store Window Shopping Reporting!

Happy Sunday Doll Friends!
Or perhaps you’re not reading this on a Sunday, in which case, happy whichever day of the week you’re enjoying just now! Just a quick post about the latest things I’ve seen when I dropped into thrift stores this past week…
The first being this little lady (above) by Madame Alexander. She pulled a Cinderella and managed to misplace a shoe but otherwise seemed in pretty tip-top shape. I think Madame Alexander dolls all have such pretty faces irregardless of what size/height they happen to be.Ā 

She is a Madame Alexander Portrettes Doll, per her tag.Ā 

Here are some of the other dolls in the line from the inside of the tag.Ā 

This little ladies name is Babette apparently. I like it. Babette… Hmmm… Maybe I’ll have to steal the name for a doll in the Doll House.Ā 

Babette volunteered to be a model to show you this cute little bookshelf or buffett for a Doll House. It’s not the right scale for my Doll House, obviously, since Babette is about 10ish inches tall. It was too cute not to take a photo of though… It’s made out of hard plastic, like the resiny type stuff that Home Decor parties used to make plaques out of.Ā 

I dunno, perhaps it was one? It looks like it might could’ve been hung up?Ā 

Sights like this, of forlorn and forgotten dollies, always makes me a bit sad. The good news is dolls sell, mostly… Unless they are damaged beyond repair they usually sell. How do I know this? Well lets just say I go to the same thrift stores quite often and I’d notice if a certain doll continued to linger on the shelf week after week.Ā 

Speaking of forlorn… This little salon chair looked a bit forlorn. It had a crack on the base of it. I think it would still work but as I’ve mentioned before perhaps, I have two salon chairs gleaned from thrift stores already and I still haven’t put together a scene with them. Oy!Ā 

I have this exact horse… I didn’t pay $8 for it at a Thrift Store though, I can tell you that. I think it’s so weird how sometimes they are priced low (all of mine have been $3.99ish and I have, well, a few) and othertimes they’ll be $7.99 or even more. I guess it all depends on who’s pricing the day they arrive.Ā 

This sled was cute and doll sized but… I have a doll sled. Still, cute.Ā 

I have a frame like this that I used to make a mirror for the dresser in Heather’s bedroom in the Doll House. I almost thought of buying it because I could make a different dresser elsewhere but… Only so much room!

This cute sleigh would’ve been fun for the Wellie sized dolls….. But I have a sleigh…Ā 
I can’t help it, I’ve collected dolls a while now…Ā 

This was an unusal doll chair! It was really heavy wood and…Ā 

Designed rather oddly I thought. Do you agree?
That’s it for now Doll Friends!
Have a great week!

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