Annalee Santa Claus Visits The Paola Reina Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I hope your Christmas Season is going well… I am trying trying trying to remember to actually enjoy it instead of just madly rushing through December with a ‘to-do’ list in hand and running running running to try and tick all the boxes. I’ll let you know how that goes. I’m doing my best. 
I am not sure if any of you have ever heard of Annalee Dolls? They are wholly different than the dolls I usually talk about here in that they are all fabric ‘display only’ kinds of dolls with painted faces. They really are one of those dolls you likely really love or really don’t. Hahaha. I am one of the first types, I think they are adorable myself. I don’t ‘actively’ collect them but one of my very best friends, who also collects dolls, loves them and so whenever I see them I think of her and, if the price is right, buy them so I can have them sitting around at Christmas to remind me of my friend. So anyway, recently I saw someone in the Doll Photography World post a photo of their dolls visiting with a Santa dolls. Such a cute set of photos! So I started thinking “I wonder if any of my ‘Santa’ dolls would be the right scale for same sort of photos. So when I pulled out my Christmas decor, I pulled out one of my Annalee Santa’s and suddenly just had the whole little ‘scene’ play out in my mind. So… of course, I had to make it a reality. 

The Santa wasn’t tall enough to really make sense with the 18inch dolls… So instead I pulled out my youngest ‘sister’ dolls (outside of the babies). They are 12inches tall and mostly are the gorgeous Paola Reina dolls I’ve gotten as gifts from my sister friend Frann. There is also a Gotz Hip Girl and a Corolle Les Cheries (actually not the same one from that post, I got rid of her *gasp* *face-palm* in a doll purge and regretted it. Then found this one soon after and forgot to tell you about her apparently… I buy too many dolls I guess… Teehee… But you knew this. *giggles* I digressed again didn’t I? Ooops. Sorry…)  

I set up a scene with one of my My Life As Doll Backdrops and the Doll House I got from Sam’s Club last year along with other doll props I have that are Christmas related…

It made for quite a cute little doll diorama if I do say so myself… 

I just love these little dolls! They are so adorable!!

And…. Santa arrived at the party!! The dolls were all so excited!!

Here they all are gathered around him to say hello!

They brought him cookies… 
Side Note: These little gingerbread sugar cookies are real ones I bought at the Tannenbaum Fest here in my sweet little town… Aren’t they adorable?! They are delish as well!

She’s putting the tray back on the treat table. Speaking of, the gingerbread men tray is a Christmas ornament I got at Hobby Lobby and the ‘cupcakes’ are erasers I got at Barnes & Noble. The Gingerbread houses (behind her) are ornaments I got at Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago on clearance. 

The Dolls wanted Santa to read them a story…!

He said “Why not, I need to finish my cookie anyway” 
(Guess who was really nibbling on that cookie… Did I mention they were delish?) 

All too soon it was time for Santa to go to the next house… 

Poof, he was gone just like he arrived!

I made a YouTube of the story with many more photos if you’d like to check it out… I have so much fun making them. I know it’s lame that there is no ‘words’ and only the silly tinned music but I like to watch them on silent while I do my ‘office job’ work (I work from home) cos it’s fun to look up and see my dollies on a 52inch screen like movie stars… I know… I am a dork but technology is cool!
I better run!

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