New Dresses! New Wig! New Bracelet! Oh My!; Rolling Rock Doll Clothes, American Girl Doll Wigs & A Custom Beaded Bracelet!

Hi Doll Friends!
Last month I got a beautiful dress from Rolling Rock Doll Clothes for review. It is really beautiful and so I obviously checked their website at the time to see what other styles they might have. Low and behold, I found so many cute things… Being short on Doll Mad Money at the time, I limited myself to only two outfits. 

This cute little number is the first on I chose. It was only $5.00 and I think it’s so pretty! Here it is modeled by Rose, who, by the way, has recently gotten a new wig and isn’t she adorable in it? It’s one of the American Girl Doll Wigs I purchased on eBay back in October when I re-wigged Leanne Doll. I purchased like ten of them or something since they really are American Girl Doll wigs… As you can see, I kept going back for ‘just a few more’ knowing that I either had or would eventually get dolls that were perfect for them. Teehee…
See, here are the first I purchased in September… The bottom one being the one that I put on Leanne Doll. Don’t mind those PJ’s in the middle there that I still haven’t shown you. Haha.

After realizing they really were American Girl wigs and good ones I bought a couple more in September…

A couple more in October…

And just a couple more in November. 

For those of you who are not familiar with sweet Rose, she was my very first 18inch Doll that my daughter got at a Garage Sale when she was little bitty for like $2.00. When I very first started upcycling clothes, I used her as my fit doll and my daughter just let me have her. 
What’s funny is I never ever noticed she had had a bit of a haircut right next to one of her ears. So… I decided I’d give her a new look and… I love it! Isn’t she pretty? It makes her eyes POP!

Next we have MJ wearing the other dress I got from Rolling Rock. It’s actually a skirt and a little top and the set was only $5.00! I love them! I think I will likely pair each of the separates with other styles in the future just because I can. Right now, I just noticed as I posted the link to her shoppe, she has 10% off most everything! Go check them out! 

Then… See this GORGEOUS beaded bracelet with the United States flag on it? I got it for my birthday from my dear friend Beth and… She made me an identical bracelet for me! 
I’ll have to get a photo taken of my bracelet on my arm. 

See, here is the way you close it. She makes such amazing jewlery…!

So… such great things for the dolls! Life is good. Eh? Can you believe we are less than a week from Christmas? Time flies!
Better run!

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