The American Girl Doll I Left Behind At The Thrift Shoppe!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Surprising even myself, I recently ran across an actual American Girl Doll at a thrift shoppe and… Didn’t buy her!?! 
Well, given the time of year that it is, I didn’t really have an extra $40 to part with for a second hand American Girl Doll I hadn’t planned to buy. If they would’ve let her go for $30 I would be writing a different blog post perhaps (I only have so much will power and maturity afterall!). Trust me, I asked. Apparently they’d only gotten her in that day and it was too soon to consider discounts. So… I carried her around the thrift store for 20 mins talking myself out of her. My daughter was with me and, sweet girl that she is, when I told her I’d probably buy her if she were $30, said “I’ll pay the other $10 then Mom. You should get her.” 
Melt. My. Heart.
But I told her that as sweet as the offer was, I didn’t want her to spend her money on me because $10 is a pretty big chunk out of her allowance budget. She’s so sweet. As you can see, the doll would’ve likely needed a new wig and she was very dirty and well loved but… Still as I look at the photo I am having a tiny moment of ‘Why did I act so grown up?” Hahaha. Too late now, I am sure she’s residing in some other lucky thrift shop hunting doll lover’s home. Good for them. 

As much as I don’t really care for porcelain dolls, sometimes I find their faces or costumes very pretty. Can’t hurt to take a photo and show you even if I don’t buy them. The porcelain doll market is really sort of sad, you can barely give them away and they don’t really fare too well in Thrift Shoppes because they usually don’t have boxes and end up getting broken or damaged in being jumbled in with the rest of the ‘stuff’. Sad really. Poor lonesome dolls….

This gal was about 18inches tall. There is a time once that I might’ve bought her just for her pretty dress but… I’ve gotten much pickier about doll clothes since then and like modern styles for my dolls in any case for the most part. But her dress is really pretty! 

For some reason this little guy made me laugh so I thought I’d share.

I had to talk myself out of this boat shelf. It was perfect size for the Doll House but I am quite literally out of room for more doll furniture. If I were a more organized and driven person I might buy such things for re-sale on eBay or something but… Lets get real. I’d never sell it. I guess it’s good I know this about myself. Right?

Two more forlorn and forgotten porcelain dolls… But the one in pink had such a sweet little face sculpt that I had to take her picture. 
Although, looking at her now with my glasses on, I am wondering what the person who painted on her eyelashes was thinking? Teehee. Those are some lashes! But still, a sweet little sculpt. 
I better run!
It’s almost Christmas! Are you all ready? I am getting closer by the day… Which is good given it’s only days away. Eh?


2 thoughts on “The American Girl Doll I Left Behind At The Thrift Shoppe!

  1. LOL, I love porcelain dolls, if you can believe that. I've got a trillion of them. I suspect that the little one in pink was painted to emulate an antique bisque doll. I've got three of those and their eyelashes are painted in a similar manner. Sure looks weird when you've got one with eyes that close! LOL


  2. Hi RagingMoon! I can believe it of course… Everyone has a different kind of doll they love and I don't expect my preferences to be everyones. 🙂 I am actually really happy to hear that there are still people collecting the porcelain type because that means they are being well cared for. 🙂 There really are some beautiful ones out there… If I had endless space and money I'd probaby collect some of them myself. Have a Merry Christmas!!! ❤


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