Journey Girl Giovanna Gets A New American Girl Doll Wig!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!
So… As I mentioned in a previous post or two, I found a great deal on authentic American Girl Doll wigs on eBay and… Well… I might’ve bought a few. You know me, I love to give dolls make-overs and finding quality wigs at a good price is a rare thing. So, when I do, I tend to stock up. If I don’t have a doll currently that needs a wig, one is sure to come along. 
A while ago, I found a Journey Girl Kyla at a Thrift Store and, of course, I bought her. Ever since ToysRUs went out of business, I’ve kind of decided that when I see a Journey Girl second hand, she’ll probably come home with me. If I have said doll already in my collection, she’ll get a makeover. Which is exactly what happened with the Kyla doll I found recently. 
Last year or so, I also went through a bit of a ‘rainbow wigs for everybody!’ period with my dolls. I’ve kind of gotten over it now although I do have a few rainbow wig in my wig stash that will, more likely than not, find their way onto a doll. However, during that rainbow wig time period, I may have gone a bit nuts in my decisions of which dolls to make over. Case in point? When I cut off all of Giovanna’s hair in order to give her a rainbow wig. Then I didn’t like it. At all. Ugh. So much so, apparently, that I didn’t even show you on the blog. (I just looked for a post about it even). I ultimately ended up giving her a dark wig by Beautifully Custom and liked it well enough… 
But I didn’t glue it on and so know I wasn’t really ‘settled’ on it. 
So I decided maybe I’d try giving her blonde hair again…

Here is Lynn, a doll I got from my amazing friend Crystal because she said the doll reminded her of me. She sent a darker golden blonde that she thought reminded her of herself, such a sweet gift! I’ll have to make a post about it soon… So many posts, so little time… I digress. Since she was already dressed in a hair stylists work clothes, I decided to make her the stylist that gave the two girls makeovers. 

I decided it would be kind of a fun ‘pretend’ that they are best friends and decided to get the same hair cut. I think they both look fantastic!! These are going to be glued down as soon as I feel patient enough to do a session of wig glueing. It’s kind of nerve wracking and so I leave it until I am having a particularly calm and relaxed day. Meaning I haven’t glued in recent memory. Hahaha. Nice thing about these wigs is they are tight enough that they stay on rather well without glue so for now they’ll be fine. 
Here they are shopping after their make-overs. 

I still haven’t settled on a name for the Kyla-as-was. She is obviously going to be a twin sister to my other Kyla doll
I had to have the twins meet at the mall, right?

Do you like how they turned out? I think Giovanna was just meant to be a light blonde, it just works well with her coloring. I love the shorter style on Kyla-as-yet-to-be-named as well as her original style. 

I am writing this on Christmas Eve so… In case I don’t get my Christmas post up before the end of the day…
Merry Christmas!!!

I just ran out of time to write because my kiddoes and I have plans to hang out today and I blinked and it’s time to get ready…!

Oh, these are some photos I took of her right after I put on the wig. It was a sunny day and I thought she looked so pretty in the sun…

Till Next Time!

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