Sam’s Club City Pal’s Dolls On Sale! Plus Interesting Doll At Thrift Store!

Doll Friends!
Real quick here! I’ve wanted to come tell you but between computer glitches and Christmas busy-ness, I just didn’t get a chance… But on Sunday, Christmas Eve Eve, I went into Sams for some Christmas stuff (pie is so much easier to buy from them, eh?) and low and behold what did I see? The City Pal’s were on sale for less than $15!! I may or may not have snuck another one into my cart. Teehee… I have to go back to Sam’s tomorrow (the 27th) for something else and I am hoping *crossing fingers* that there are still a few left and I can pick up one more with some Christmas money I got. Teehee… So we shall see… Have you gotten one yet?

They also had these but they were not on sale yet…

Then I also saw this cute doll and cute doll bed at the thrift store the other day… I thought she was very interesting… But being that it was a few days out from Christmas I left them both there. 

Better run!

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