My Salon Doll Malaree Moser Visits the Fairfield! Doll Photography!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!
The last week of December is a frenzy of activity in our house… Not because of taking down Christmas decorations or what-have-you but because my sweet daughter’s birthday is just a couple of days after Christmas. This year we were brainstorming what to do for her party this year… We decided a fun idea would be to get a couple of rooms at a hotel so she and her three closest friends could swim in the pool, stay up late chatting the night away and still be comfortable. (We have a bit of a small house with only one and a (very rough basement) half bath…) I am so glad we did because ti really was a lot of fun. I got a room next door to theirs so I could supervise but also stay out of their space. So… Mostly I had the night in a hotel to myself which was actually kind of nice. I brought along dollies to photograph and planned to bring my Bible and study study study and my laptop and blog blog blog… And I left my laptop bag, with my Bible, at home. Hahaha! No matter, I had a Gideon Bible in the drawer at the hotel and I brought along plenty of dollies to photograph. 

One of the dollies was this beauty right here… She’s a My Salon Doll I got for Christmas and I think she’s so lovely! It was so nice to get her out of the box and give her a proper look. (I opened her when she arrived to give you and myself a peek so maybe ya’ll could order for Christmas if you were so inclined… And no, I don’t work for them. Hahaha) 

I had a lot of fun taking photos of her at the hotel in the wee hours of the morning… (I wake up at about 4am everyday because that’s how my brain is programmed for some reason…) I am trying to get better at ‘perspective’ and making the doll look like she’s actually in the space and it’s at the correct scale. I think I am getting better at this as I go along… 

I took these photos (the ones above in the mirror and this one with her standing on a table in the hallway… It gave her more ‘height’ and makes her look more correct in perpsective. 

Same table, other end… đŸ™‚Â 

My ‘pretend’ was that it was late at night when she arrived at the hotel and she was too wired from travel to sleep immediately so took a look around first. Teehee…

I actually made a YouTube movie of it if you’re interested. It has more photos than I even posted here… Which is saying something. My phone is almost always close to running out of ‘space’ for all my thousands of doll photos. And I have a lot of space on my phone! Hahaha.

I am noticing these are out of the order I wanted to post them in but if I go back and change them around now, I’ll likely not get this posted until next New Year so… If you want the order I really intended them to be in, take a gander at the YouTube. I am such a perfectionist but the older I get the more I understand the meaning of the quote: “The smallest actual good is more worthy than the grandest of intentions.” Eh? So, better good enough than not at all, eh? I can’t even go back and read my old blogs because I’ll invariably find a misspelled word or typo and cringe and go and fix it and three hours later I am still editing. So if you notice typo’s it’s because I literally sort of just write this on the fly as a stream of thought. Yes, my brain can be exhausting! Hahahaha.

Aaaaand I am running out of time… Why do the early morning hours fly by when the hours from 3pm till 5pm drag by like molasses in December? Oy! So the rest of this will likely be all photos…

One reason I took her to the hotel with me was so I could give you a proper look at her… So, stay tuned to the next post to see her little ‘review’…
Better run!

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