Citi Pal’s Dolls Just Kept Dropping Price! Introducing Selma And Salome!

Doll Friends,
What’s a girl to do? I go to Sam’s Club to return a shirt my daughter didn’t care for and naturally I just check by the last aisle they have of the toys (Sam’s only carries toys around Christmas I think…). You know, to see what’s left., for research and all… Low and behold there are Citi Pal’s left and they are only $4.71 each!! What?! The problem was that I’d already bought one of the two little girls they had left, from Chicago, when they moved them to $9.71 (I can’t recall her factory given name just now, I am not keeping it and so I didn’t really have it stick in my brain. LOL) 

So… I bought one with the idea of changing her hair so she’d have a whole new look but I’d also have twins. Twins often wear their hair differently because it’s pretty much the only alteration they can make to their appearance that will set them apart from their twin. So… Perfect!

I asked my Facebook (or maybe it was Instagram) connections for name ideas and my lovely friend Karrie suggested Selma and Simone. Which I loved! However, I already have a Simone, named after Nina Simone, one of the best singers of all time… Since I have my other Sekiguchi Salome doll in storage (I know… I know… So sad to keep dolls in boxes but… I never used them in scenes but couldnt make myself part with them because they were are so cute!) I have decided to name them Selma and Salome! I think Selma will be the one with the rainbow wig because it’s the bit more ‘sassy’ of the two names, I think. Salome’s name comes from the Bible.  She’s one of the women who traveled with Jesus (after He healed her) when He was going from town to town telling about the Kingdom of God. So, naturally I think it’s a swell name. 

Aren’t they fabulous!? I sure think so… 
I know I know… 
I love all the dolls…!
But I do though! 

Well, believe it or not, school break is over and I have to go herd the cats wake up the teenagers for school… Pray for me. *giggles* But seriously, pray.  
Have a great week Doll Friends!
PS You know as I was writing out this blog I needed to do a search of my blog to find the appropriate links and as I was typing in ‘Citi’ so all the Citi Pal postings would come up I was all annoyed “Why do people have to go and change the appropriate spelling of words?” Until, duh! I realized they likely called them Citi Pals because they are made by Cititoy! Clever! 
Ok, going…! 

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