Hematite New Hairstyle and a New Name At Vonda’s Beauty Salon!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I’ve had a customized doll whom I named Hematite to be a cousin to Prism and Pastel… Well, I was never really happy with two things about her. The first thing was her wig… It was exceptionally long, so much so that the doll could barely stand up without falling over from her hair! It was gorgeous colors but just too long. I know “So cut it Heather! Duh!” but I was always too afraid I’d totally mess it up. 
So, a couple of months ago I put her in a box in the basement of dolls I am trying to decide if I want to keep or not. (I know, so mean! Hahaha) My thinking is that if they stay in the box for a few months and I really don’t miss them then it’s probably time for them to find a home with some person who’d enjoy them more. You know what I mean? Currently my Famosa Nancy’s are all in the box, for instance, because while I think they are beautiful, they are a bit more like ‘teenager’ dolls in body type but shorter than my 18inch dolls who are supposed to be younger girls. I am thinking they will be re-homed soon enough because they’ve been down there months! I digress…
The second thing I didn’t like about her was her name… I was trying to come up with a sort of synonym name for ‘rainbow or color related’ like I had with Prism and then Pastel. Hematite is a rock that, when you look at it in the light, has rainbow hues. So I kind of liked it and went with it but… Blah…  

So, I recently opened the box looking for another doll outfit (I keep them all clothed, I’m not a total barbarian) and low and behold there was Hematite, as was… I thought to myself “Well, it’s time to decide what to do with this doll…” 
I have, for quite some time wanted to do a little ‘movie’ or ‘sequence-photo-video’ or whatever you’d call my little creations on YouTube of a hair salon so I could showcase my little My Life As Doll backdrop for it and use my little salon chair etc. I’d decided that Vonda, my MeiMei Doll from Amazon would be the owner of the shop. My real friend Vonda was a hairstylist when she was  younger. She went on to be an administrator of all manner of different offices, one of which I met her in when I worked there. So I decided it’d be fun to have her be ‘early 20’s Vonda’ and be a stylist in my doll salon. Hahaha. I am such a dork. But that’s why Vonda got the shop! She may be a co-owner/operator with Susannah Doll… We shall see… I bought a second Salon Chair a while ago in thoughts of making that happen. LOL So many blog posts in my mind, so little time!

So anyway… As I pull Hematite-as-was out of the box I think “Well, why not have her be part of the little show? I could have Vonda Doll cut her hair! What do I have to lose? I don’t like her hair the way it is and worse to worse, I mess it up and… teehee… donate her in hopes someone else who actually cuts hair knows how to fix it.” 

So… That is what I did. 

I’ve had my hair cut many many times, obviously, so I kind of know the ‘mechanics’ of how they go about cutting the hair and I tried to duplicate it the best I could. 

Even with the little clips! Hahaha!

Here is the first few cuts!

I just tried to keep it somewhat strait across the bottom… 

And it was pretty funny cos, here I was, at this point, thinking “Hmmm… It actually could be a lot worse!!” as she was sitting in the chair.

Yeah… It looked pretty good!

Until I turned her around after taking her out of the chair! Hahaha! You’ll see that in a few photos… 

But I was able to finish my scene by not showing the back of her hair really… 
The show must go on!

She does look rather smart, I thought. From the front… 

So if you want to see the little movie you can find it here:

But… the back… Um…. Well… I guess she wasn’t sitting all that strait in the chair!

Bwahahahaha. What to do at this point but laugh. However, in the error I kind of saw a rather neat looking bob-look if I could pull off cutting the right hair off from the mess that it was? So…

Here is the end result… Not too horrid… In fact, I rather like it. I don’t think I could’ve pulled the layered bobbed look off if I’d have gone about it intentionally if you paid me cash money but… It was an ok working accident, eh? Be kind! I am not a hair stylist by any means and this is really my first haircut that I can recall… Haha!

So, I plan to keep her because I think she’s lovely now! And I asked my husband if he could think of a rainbow-color related name and he came up with a perfect one, I think…

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