Glitter Girl Outfits And the Mystery Of The Jumping Prices…

Doll Friends!

I’ve been trying ever so hard to be good… I told myself that this year I was going to reign in my compulsive doll spending. I mean I am not one for New Years resolutions but it seemed like a good target date to adhere to. Here we are not even two weeks in? Aaaaand… I’ve blown it already. Hahaha.

It’s. Not. My. Fault.
Amazon is just out to get me! I was on there the other day shopping for something totally not doll related when… What should pop up in the ‘add on’ suggestions? Why Glitter Girls clothes no less… What?!?
This outfit set was one of the newer styles and came with the cute candy and it was only like $7.66? What?! So I naturally, you know, cos research, went to check out all the Glitter Girls stuff for prices and… A few other outfits were also in the “add on’ suggestions!? 

So that started about a 24 hour battle with myself… Putting them in the cart and then hitting ‘save for later’ and doing it again and then again. Teehee. However, the lovely thing about ‘save for later’? It informs you every time you go to your Amazon cart if prices have changed since you put the item in your cart. 
I’ve never seen the crazy price fluctuations that happened over that 24 hours… They just kept going down down down. A penny here, a penny there… I started taking ‘print screens’ so I could prove to you what I mean because otherwise I might’ve felt like I’d dropped into the Twilight Zone. Not even kidding…

Below are all the many price changes that happened during the time I was battling myself about buying more doll clothes… It’s like Amazon kept going “Yesssss… but what if I make it even cheaper….?” I don’t know if they are in the right order but these prices literally changed over like 24ish hours!

So I eventually broke down, put a few in my cart and went to the check out… I’m only human!
A couple of them were duplicates (the bottom two) of outfits I already had but you know me, I love me some twinning clothes!
So here are some of my lovely dolls modeling three of the outfits for you. I didn’t get the fourth set out of the box, ran short on time and figured I’d better just take photos of the three in interest of getting this blog post done. 

So… Such great deals! You may notice the set of ten doll panties in the order screen shot… I’ll be back as soon as I can to tell you about those….
But am out of time! Gotta go get the family moving!
Happy Friday!


2 thoughts on “Glitter Girl Outfits And the Mystery Of The Jumping Prices…

  1. That's amazing. I recently bought \”shimmer glimmer\” as it was $7.99 Cdn here and that's a great price for Canada!!!! I just love these clothes….they are addictive. lol


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