Tolly Tot Doll Holly Loses A Leg!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
One of my favorite dolls had an accident! I am not really sure even what happened? I was walking by where she was hanging on the Doll Wall and Holly Doll’s leg looked like it was ‘wonky’? So I look closer and it’s because her left leg has broken off! What?! No one ever touches or plays with my dolls except me and so I am perplexed what happened. I’d changed her recently and bent her legs but I didn’t notice her leg breaking off…?

See? Totally broken off!

As best as I could tell, she was completely unfixable (is that a word?). 

As I undressed her I realized that I’d forgotten or overlooked this little tear in the fabric of her body… Poor dear. I should’ve given her some stitches…!

She is a doll named after my real sister Holly and so I was really bummed out! 
I have to have a Holly in the Doll House! 

I guess I could’ve tried superglueing it but… I don’t think I’d have been able to line up the little ‘post’ that broke correctly in order for it to work the way it should. So she’d have a ‘fused’ leg in all likelyhood if I went that route. Hmmm…

So as I was bumming out about it, I glanced over at my other Tolly Tot Dolls and saw the beautiful repainted Tolly Tot Doll that my sister friend Frann sent me a while ago… (Which I am aghast to say I couldn’t find a post about..?! I hope I made one!? If not, thanks for the beautiful doll Frann!) I hadn’t ever settled on a name for her because nothing had ever ‘fit’. Suddenly I knew exactly what I’d do! I’d make the Tolly Tot Frann sent into Holly Doll! She has bangs and that is actually more accurate to my real sister, as she’s always had bangs. 
Here they are side by side with the ‘new’ Holly dressed in a Nascar jersey and jeans, which real Holly would like I think… 

 Tolly Tot’s are such beautiful dolls. I love them.

I’ve decided I am going to keep the broken Tolly, at least for now. Svetlana has an artificial leg and I am thinking I might take the leg that broke off and turn it into a ‘prosthetic’ leg… Hmmm…. I could maybe attach some elastic to it in some way so it can be held on? Any ideas? I’m pondering.. Maybe I could paint it a different color because sometimes I see kids with prosthetics in ‘fun’ colors? Obviously I couldn’t keep her as ‘Holly’ Doll but I just can’t stand the thought of her ending up in a bin somewhere. She’s so pretty! So she has a handicap, it sure doesn’t stop Stevie or Svetlana from enjoying the Doll Life. Eh? 
Better run!

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