More Gorgeous Dresses From Dresses For Dolls Etsy Shoppe!!

Happy Friday Doll Friends!!
I am so glad it’s Friday! I am taking the day off with my husband today and so am looking forward to a three day weekend! Woot! 
A little while ago I told you about some lovely dresses I bought from an Etsy shoppe named “Dresses For Dolls”. They were amazing little dresses and I am still blown away by the price of them! Many of them are only $5.00 each! So… When I got a bit of Christmas money, I had to go order a few! They actually arrived more than a week or more ago (I really don’t remember, this month has absolutely been flying by!!) but I only got a chance to get them on to some dolls and photographed yesterday. 
Here is the lovely Saila wearing a dress I bought with her in mind… She comes from very cold snowy country and I thought it’d be perfect. Her boots and funky socks are perfect for it too! They actually are from the meet outfit of another Maplelea Doll, Taryn, but they were perfect for this outfit I thought. Maplelea Dolls are very similar to American Girl and Our Generation but their feet are just a smidge slimmer and longer so shoes can be tricky! I digress…

Here we have Jazz in a pink dress with cute dancing monkeys on it. This dress just made me giggle and so I had to… 

Juliet-Olivia is wearing a lovely feather motif dress. I think it’s such a cool print I’d even wear a dress like out of this print in ‘real life’.

Nanea is wearing a dress I bought just for her. I love the Hawaiian print of this dress. It’s styled a smidge different than the other ones I’ve bought and so was a $1.00 more… Still, a steal!! And absolutely perfect for Nanea as well! Gorgeous!

Then I noticed when I was shopping that she’d added a few other styles of dress. On a total impulse (literally) I bought one…  
Due to more fabric and likely more work, this beautiful dress was $10.00. Still an absolute steal but in hindsight I am actually surprised I bought it because I have, in recent years, begun to prefer contemporary fashions for my dolls. But it is just so beautiful, blue being my favorite color and all. So it’ll be great for a Halloween costume or an outfit for a costume party though, eh? 

It looks fabulous on Leonie I think. She has a 

Better run!
Have a great weekend!

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