Kindred Heart Doll Skating & Hockey Set From Amazon

Doll Friends,
Well fiddlesticks! I bought two sets from Kindred Heart Dolls on Amazon several months ago when I found them on a good sale… It was still very warm out when I bought them so I tucked them away for ‘when it got colder’ so I could show you at the ‘right’ time. I’d have shown you during the sale but it seems like it was one of those unnanounced flash sales Amazon seems to have sometimes like when the Glitter Girl Doll stuff had the strange price fluctuations not so long ago. If I remember correctly I got each set for less than $10! The regular price then, again if memory serves, was like $35.00! Hence me buying two! Hahaha. I think I recall they wouldn’t ‘let’ me put more than that in my cart or I might’ve bought more? Teehee.

I also bought several (I think three, maybe four?) of the Baseball & Swimming Set at same time and for same crazy low price. So I went to look for link to this skating and hockey set and I can’t find them on Amazon at all? Maybe they were clearancing them at the time? Who knows? Lame though and I almost feel like a jerk coming here to say “Oh, look at this really neat set I got! But you can’t get it.” Blah. But I wanted to at least show it to you in case you see it on second hand market or eBay and want to know what it’s like. 
Each set comes with a complete skaters outfit. It includes the while dress with ‘fur’ embelishment, black tights, white lace up skates with actual metal blades and the white ear muffs. 

Doesn’t Portia look gorgeous here with the snow in the background? 

Roseanna-Pam is modeling the second set. 

Skywise and Gabrielle were my models for the hockey uniform. The uniform includes a jersey, black shorts (with white lining so it won’t stain your dolls legs, nice touch!) tall hockey socks, black lace up skates with metal blades and a hockey helmet that has a moveable visor. Very very snappy!

So I am hoping that maybe Amazon will bring this set back out or that you’ve been able to locate it on eBay for a good price. Perhaps this will help you with your decision to buy it or not. Maplelea sells a hockey helmet for much more money and so I think the hockey uniform alone was worth much more than $10 so that’s why I bought two! 
Gotta run!
PS I found a link to the skating and hockey set! Maybe it’ll come back if you put it on a list?

One thought on “Kindred Heart Doll Skating & Hockey Set From Amazon

  1. Hi! I've been offline for awhile but am catching up. Just wanted to say i enjoy seeing your sets and dressed dolls, it doesn't matter if that particular thing is still available or not. Besides, sooner or later something like it will show up again! You keep having fun and sharing! Dana


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