New Style Lotus Kindred Hearts Dolls On Amazon! Meet Syracuse!!

Doll Friends!
I am not sure why but Kindred Hearts Dolls are changing style! They are going from the Journey Girl body type to the Newberry body type… Amazon still has the older style listed right now but I am imagining they are going to be phasing them out. I imagine they maybe needed to change the style since the first style of Kindred Heart Dolls were nearly identical to Journey Girl Dolls and now Shopko is carrying them? In any case, I knew the minute I saw them that it would be my ‘next’ doll and when I got a bit of cash this past weekend, I plunked down my $29.99 and she was on her way to the Doll House. This little beauty is actually named Serena but in my Doll House she is going to be called Syracuse. My daughter said she thinks it’s a wierd name but there is a reason I am naming her that and it makes perfect sense to me. You know what I mean? 
Such a gorgeous doll!! I mean I always love the Lotus ‘Newberry’ type dolls but… They did a especially fabulous job with this one. Her hair is amazing!! Her meet outfit is adorable and with the little ‘candy’ print on the shirt, it can created several different looks with the one outfit. So much more to say but no time just now… Had to come share her with you though! I’ll try and come back later to say more but on off chance (although very probable) chance that I don’t and you’re reading this months later and have questions, please do ask in comments. My life has become much more full of t’s to cross and i’s to dot and I am missing as many as I hit lately, or so it feels. Oy! So, really, do ask if I am lame and never get back to tell you about this fabulous doll!


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