Kindred Heart Paige Joins The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

Being as I really admired Syracuse, my Kindred Heart doll, when she arrived, my sweet husband took notice and decided she needed a Kindred Heart sister friend in the Doll House so she wouldn’t get lonely. Isn’t he the best husband ever? I loves me and so loves to spoil me with things that I love. 
He also got me another two sets of the Pzas Doll Clothes when they went on a flash sale as a suggestion from Amazon. Well done Amazon!! Heeheehee. He got me the Ten Outfit Wardrobe and the 10 Pairs-Of-Panties set. I already have both those sets but the Pzas clothes are so ‘basic’ and well made having duplicates in the Doll House isn’t that big of a deal. 

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