Making Smocks For The Dolls!! FinallyTried Pattern Sewing Again!

Hi Doll Friends!!
So… As you know, I have often, in the past, upcycled doll clothes from baby clothes and other items. Patterned sewing has always seemed too daunting and ‘hard’ to do. I mean, I know how… My Granny did her job right and I have sewn many patterened items in the past many times. So I know exactly how much ‘work’ it can be and, well, I’m lazy. Hahaha. Being utterly addicted to doll clothes as I am, which, in my defense, I have loads of dolls to dress!! I have recently begun to just have a yearning for doll clothes that are wholly original and in my exact taste. I could likely find such items on Etsy because there are many beautiful Doll Seamstresses out there who make some fine items. However, as they should, they cost quite a pretty penny. I am also, well, cheap. So… I recently decided to grab some ‘fat quarters’ from Walmart, find a tutorial and pattern on YouTube and have a go at making my own clothes. I really love the pattern I found on Leles Design’s because it was really simple! Just one pattern piece!! No hemming! Woot! My first attempts are above, modeled by Erica and Brittanie, had a few ‘flaws’ I worked out in subsequent dresses I made. So far I’ve only made one Wellie Wisher sized one although I have four more cut out and ready to go. What can I say? Eighteen inch dolls really are my favorite if I had to choose one… Not to mench, it’s more difficult to sew the smaller they get, in my opinion.

As you can see, I wanted to make the smock dress for and 18inch doll instead of a 16 inch doll so I modified the pattern a little bit; made the strap longer and the skirt longer. 

If I placed it just so, I could get four dresses out of two fat quarters which would make the dresses about 50cents each… Not too shabby for custom made doll clothes!

The smocks are supposed to be reversable but… I couldn’t figure a way to make them reversable but also have snaps not showing and being bulky so I decided to make mine just ‘lined’ and not really reversable at all. 

I’d go thru all the steps to make them but… As you know, I don’t like to reinvent the wheel and the video tutorial on Lele’s Youtube are so much better than I’d likely tell you anyway.

I hadn’t looked at fabric, outside of the ‘fat quarters’, in a long long time… Fabric has gotten stupid expensive!! So, looking for creative alternatives I looked at the thrift store for a few clothes to cut up for fabric. I found this great scrub top and mens shirt for like 50cents each.  

See? I just cut into the shirts and used the fabric…!

This one also came from a mens dress shirt, I forgot to photo it… I think it’s such neat fabric!!

This is some Mary Englebriet fabric I have had in my craft/sewing Rubbermade tote for like 20 years! LOL I am so glad I finally used it!! I have loads more so I am sure I’ll make more clothes from it. SO cute!

So I am really pleased with how they all turned out! I will try more complicated patterns soon but wanted to get some practice on a simple one first… This one will likely always be a favorite pattern though because it can be a dress or a top!

3 thoughts on “Making Smocks For The Dolls!! FinallyTried Pattern Sewing Again!

  1. Those turned out really nice! You should sew with patterns more often. 🙂 Also, thanks for the link, I think I'll try this for some of my own dolls.


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