Glitter Girls At Tuesday Morning! Cute Shoes At Walmart!

Hi Doll Friends!
Look what I ran across at Tuesday Morning last week! I was so proud of myself for not buying anything! Don’t think I wasn’t tempted by the shoe/leggings sets!! They only Poppy left in the dolls, three of them were there.

Oh how I wanted to buy more clothes for my Wellie Wisher & Glitter Girl & Paola Reina & Heart4Hearts dolls! But… I was good and left them there. 

They also had these cute little puppies that were perfect sized for the dolls… But I didn’t buy one! 

I also ran by Walmart recently and saw these cute shoes!!

That’s it for now… Sorry about my somewhat sporadic nature of my posts lately. So many reasons for it but suffice to say I have way too many irons in the fire lately. Many of them are really great ‘irons’ but… Still making my time management skills not as good as they should be. I have many posts I am working on currently… So I’ll get them posted eventually!
Have a great week!

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