Thrift Store Sights And Depression…

Hi Doll Friends,
I can never recall how much of my mental health issues I’ve shared here but… I am diagnosed with a couple of doozies in the mood-disorderly department; bipolar and PTSD. Through a great deal of trial and error with medication, learning to breathe thru discomfort in yoga and a whole whole lot of Jesus, I’ve considered myself essentially ‘in remission’ for years now. I mean here and there I’d have struggles but nothing long term… For years…
Until… This year…
I can’t seem to get back to myself…
I’m barely keeping up with bare minimums in my life lately and sadly have very little desire even to take doll photos or much else that usually brings me such joy and fun. 
I am trying…
I feel like I’ve gotten so ‘behind’ in my blog that even that makes me anxious and depressed. 
So… I figured I’d just come here and tell you what was going on. I am sure I’ll eventually pull out of the mire. I thought April coming finally would help and the last couple of days have been sunny and that has helped some… 

So I come here to tell you that I haven’t ‘given up’ on blogging or anything… I’m just struggling to keep all the balls in the air and it’s one I keep dropping. I’ll keep picking it up though! I promise. What would I do without my doll friends afterall?

So here is a post of a few things I’ve seen out and about when I’ve been able to make it to thrift stores… I thought this Doll House was adorable! You can open it from both sides even. How cool. I had a Fisher Price Doll House when I was a kid and it was one of my all time favorite ‘toys’. It even had working lights! So Doll Houses have always captured my imagination. It’s one more thing I don’t need to collect though… Although I will admit I kept all of my daughters Fisher Price Doll House furniture from when she had one as a little girl… Teehee… What can I say? I’m weak! But Fisher Price doll houses are so cool!

Thought this was a cute little bench…

These were pretty but $5 each? I might’ve paid $1 each… LOL

A salon chair I saw but didn’t buy because I already have two salon chairs… Teehee…

This was cool… Almost kicking myself that I didn’t buy it but I am trying to be good. LOL

Another red OG Kitchen… I already have one or I might not have been able to resist buying it. 

I thought this was neat and would be fun for a carnival scene. 

A full sized OG horse… 

And pony… But I have like four horses and at least four ponies so… They stayed at the shop. 

Cute chairs! But I have so many chairs!!

However I can never turn down doll clothes grab bags!! Especially when they are only a couple of bucks! I also couldn’t resist the cute little dress with green overcoat. 

Here is the stuff from first bag… 
and bag number two… 

I kept the red coat…

This little heart outfit… 

And the My Friend Mandy dress! That was worth the whole price of all of it really! 

I’ve still been sewing at least… So if I ever get my mind right, I’ll have plenty of dresses to take photos of the dolls in!

Here is my sewing space… It’s one of few places lately I’ve found peace and so I’ve been sitting here a lot! I just got that huge vintage suitcase to hold fabric in, I think it’s neat. 
I better run. If you’re the praying sort if you wouldn’t mind praying peace and protection over my mind, that would be wonderful. 
Much Love

7 thoughts on “Thrift Store Sights And Depression…

  1. Hi Heather,I am sorry that you don't feel well… Yes, I pray a lot, so I will certainly pray for you, so you can find and feel the peace of God in your mind. Please, remember, we are all connected and so you are never alone. We have each other and there is our Creator who really looks after us… In reality, you are surrounded bij that Divine Love all the time… You are so worthy of that love and peace…You are a beautiful child of God… Many blessings…


  2. Heather, I'm so sorry you are going through a bad time. I go up and down too, and have terrible bad migraines. I'm trying to learn not to THINK. It helps when I turn my brain off. It's difficult, but when I work at it, I can do it. I find going for a 1/2 hour walk each day, in the middle of the day, really helps too. Lately I've tried to get back to photographing dolls. I've lost my \”mojo\” for them, but am slowly getting it back. My hubby just turned 60 this past week, and I'm trying not to think about that too much, as I think 60 is quite ancient. So I'm trying to trust the Lord much more, as age and dying are quite inevitable! It's been quite a brain exercise!


  3. I try to remember this from my favorite Priest: He would always tell us to \”stagger on joyfully\”. Sometimes faulty steps is all we can manage! Peace be with you!


  4. I love your sewing room. When we focus on doing something, we cannot think of negative things. Hoping that will remember how many good friends love you.


  5. Am cstching up on reading your blog after MONTHS of my own struggles. I grew up slim and eating anything i wanted, and severe myopia but luckily there are glasses. Then added chronic depression and some other stuff. THEN i edged past 55. My glaucoma was not managed as well as it should have been…. i can still see, but there are some losses… and i began gaining weight, now there is early diabetes in the mix…NOT supposed to happen, either. NOT in my plans!! Well, the point is, not only does EVERYBODY have something, but often we are bringing light to someone else even if we can't see it. You have brought a lot of innocent joyy to people and places you can't see. And everything in nature moves in cycles. So your effusiveness needed to rest and replenish. It sounds like you also have Seasonal Affective Disorder. It careens thru my family. So we work on accepting that we hibernate like grumpy ol' bears. Dont beat yourself up because you don't feel better or accomplish more. You are being as you are INTENDED to be, even if you don't understand it. If you are BiPolar, then I already know you accomplish loads more than normal, when things are cycling up. It stands to reason you would need to \”cycle out\” more. Think of it as a well-earned change or rest. There are a lot of us rooting for you, regardless of what you ard doing. Be as kind and compassionate to yourself as you would be to one of us. Lots of prayers coming your way!!


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