Babies Babies Babies!! Baby Siblings For The Dolls Abound!

Doll Friends!
Circo 8inch Baby Dolls are no longer sold at Target. At least the last time I checked… So, every time I see them at Thrift Stores or Garage Sales, I can’t help myself but to pick them up. I may or may not have too many…? Teehee… Not if I am going to do another Baby Sitting post (or two) if I am going to create a Daycare Scene someday… Eh? But even then, I may have a few too many baby dolls this size.. Or not. All a matter of perspective, that, I suppose, right?  
These (the ones above and this photo below) are babies I’ve picked up here there and the other place since the last time I made a post about babies on the blog…

So the other day I pulled them all out and wanted to launder their clothes and maybe try and use some of them to figure out a simple pattern to make clothes for the ones who arrived with no clothes at all. I laughed and noticed how many of the Circo’s had accumulated after I put them all in a doll carrying case while I washed all the clothes. 

Here they are… I laughed as I lined them up so TypeA without even thinking about them… Blue eyed baby then brown eyed baby then blue then brown then blue…. Etc. 
I guess having this many is a little excessive so I gandered at them on Ebay to see what they were going for… Just to see if it would be worth selling any of them and…
I tell you, when dolls are discontinued, no matter their size, they end up being worth more… It’s uncanny…
So… I might sell a few on eBay…? I’ve decided I need to not buy any doll items anymore unless I am going to sell current things in my collection. Because space and also to keep myself honest… So…
Maybe I’ll list them on eBay for what I think is a decent starting bid and see what happens? 
Who knows? Lately my ‘follow-thru’ has been dismal… 
I’m still working on the Etsy Shoppe inventory building… I probably have 30 items or so made but need to take photos of them and then get them listed and…
As I mention in this post, I’ve been struggling a bit lately…
So… Maybe someday it’ll all get done. 
I better run, time to herd the cats! 
(i.e. Get teens outta bed and out door for school. Hahaha)
Have a great day Doll Friends!

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