Doll Sized Thrifting Finds Lately… The Ones I Bought and The Ones I Left Behind…

Hi Doll Friends,
Just a few photos of things I’ve seen in Thrift Stores recently… Both those I ‘left behind’ and those I brought home! First, the ones I left behind…
Cool globe but it was $4 and I was a bit low on cash when I happened to find it… (Meaning I had already bought my limit that day…) Kind of kicking myself now cos it was so cool and perfect but you can’t buy all the things, right? 

This doll lamp made me smile. Not my style but still sweet.

This cute tea set…! But… I have so many tea sets… 

This hobby horse was cute… 

Another tea set…

Again, not my style of doll but I thought I’d take a photo to show them to you. 

I am kicking myself for not buying this mannequin… Bummer. 

And I totally should’ve bought those baskets. 

I thought about this swing… But it was huge!

Yet another tea set…!
This cute eskimo doll was cute… But again not my style. 
Then there is what I bought…. 

I’ve been looking for a ‘podium’ for a church I am planning for the Doll House… When I saw this tissue holder I thought it would be perfect if I could find the right size of wood to cover the hole. Ironically enough I found just the right board within days of finding the tissue holder. 

What do you think ? I think I might add a wooden cross to the front but I don’t know for sure… Still, I think it will work well enough as it is. 

I found this bag of doll items for only $1 at the half price day of the same sale I got all the teddy bears at. Great deal! Just the brush was a great deal!

These hats will fit the Wellie Wisher sized dolls. 

I just couldn’t resist these… 

More fabric…

I can never resist doll sized Tupperware! This is four purple plates. 
Some tea sets I couldn’t resist… They were in zip lock bags just sitting on the shelves! I almost bought them just to keep them from getting totally broken! I love the little pewter unicorn and the piano is going to be a ‘jewelry box’ on a doll dresser. The little dutch shoes were from a garage sale and I just love them!

A few of the items did get chipped and broken from being so haphazardly thrown on the shelf. 

These are the right size for all my mini dolls… So the dolls can throw tea parties for their dolls!

These were also just thrown up on a shelf, the two goblets in a ziplock baggie and the gorgeous pitcher just sitting there jumbled in with a bunch of stuff that could’ve broken it so easily! 

Isn’t it gorgeous!?

and it was only 99c!

Can’t. Resist. Little. Bottles!!

Another carrying case… I had four but I carry so many dolls with me to photo shoots that another will be handy!

Only $3.99!

This cute little Princess & Me tea set was one I couldn’t resist if only to show it to ya’ll…

That’s it for now! 
Have a great day!

2 thoughts on “Doll Sized Thrifting Finds Lately… The Ones I Bought and The Ones I Left Behind…

  1. You have the most amazing thrift shops and especially Goodwill in your area! Congrats on all of your finds. I don't think I could've left the first hobby horse behind. It's so cute.


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