MeiMei 16inch Doll From Amazon Less Than $9.00!

Doll Friends!
It wasn’t my fault! I was innocently enough shopping researching on Amazon and noticed a ‘suggested item’… A MeiMei 16inch Girl Doll for less than $9.00!? What? I was actually shopping for an office supply at the time but I impulsively popped her in my cart and two days later she was on my door step. 

She comes in a very plain box… Not like the beautiful box the MeiMei 18inch Doll I have living in the Doll House named Vonda. But obviously at the price point she is at it’s no big surprise. 

Every other thing about her was top notch and right on par with my other MeiMei Doll though!

She comes in a plastic ziplock bag…

Her dress and shoes are pretty nice… 

Here is the sticker on her bag…
I finally got a chance to take her outside for some proper photos this morning…

She really is a sweet little doll…

Her face seems pensive… Like she’s got something on her mind…

I think she looks like she could be Vonda Doll’s little sister… 

I better run…
I hope you have a great weekend!


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