Kindred Heart Paige Gets A Twin…!

Doll Friends!
Recently I customized my Kindred Heart Paige. When I went to Amazon to find a link to put on that post and what did I find but that, then, Paige had gone down in price to only $21.55! I impulsively purchased a second one! She arrived in short order and here she is with Lee Hye-bin! 

I bought her with with customization in mind… I won’t lie, one reason Lee Hye-bin got her makeover was that I was never very thrilled about her hair. Her bangs were just… what’s a good word? Flat I guess… Well, when Paige #2 arrived, I was glad to see that I thought same thing about this one. She even had unevenly cut bangs…! So I didn’t feel bad at all about cutting off her hair. 

I started to make a little progression photography thing session where Lee Hye-bin greeted her… But then I didn’t get it finished… I figured I’d share the ones I took. 

I decided to give her a ‘natural’ color wig and plan to name her after another one of my daughters favorite Kpop stars… I’ll reveal the name after I tell my daughter! 
Isn’t she adorable?!?! I love her!
I better run! I want to finish several posts this morning because I’ve been so flaky lately… 
Have a great day!

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