Thrifting; My Most Recent Sightings and Purchases!

Hi Doll Friends!
More thrifting sights… And purchases… I’ll start with the sights. 
I wanted this table and chairs!! (above) It was only $10 for the table and both chairs but… I have so many chairs and tables that I made myself put it back.

See, here it is in my cart. I did buy the doll carrying bag though. I find I can never have too many of those since I love to carry my dolls here there and the other place for doll photography

I also saw this salon chair by My Life As Doll…
But I left it there cos I already have two salon chairs. 

This little wagon was adorable but… Again… I have one. It occurs to me I might not have shown it to you…? Hmmm. I’ll have to do that soon. 

This dresser was a bit large in scale for the dolls but I thought it was nifty and figured I’d show it to you too. 

This would’ve been perfect for Wellie Wisher sized dolls but… I have a lot of chairs…

Kind of cute but I have loads of doll furniture. 
I got these glasses from a good girlfriend of mine so I figured I’d show you randomly in the middle of this post. Hahaha. Isn’t Fifer cute in them? 
Then there are the items I couldn’t pass up… I can never turn down a grab bag of doll clothes…! These two were only $2.00 each! Woot!

I got some great stuff out of them! These are all 18inch doll clothes, one of them (the gray skirt) is even actually an American Girl item. How fun! The other items were all baby doll clothes and so not my thing. They’ll be redonated to Goodwill. 
This little bag of doll shoes I bought just for the Disney Princess shoes. They will fit some of the Wellie Wisher sized dolls. The two pewter cats I bought for doll house decorations. The record player was too cool to pass up! It’s actually a gramophone I think but it’s missing it’s little cone speaker. So I am going to remove the ‘arm’ that was meant to hold the speaker cone up and just have it be a regular record player. Isn’t it swell?

The best part? It actually ‘works’! I am not sure if this video will work or not, never posted one in a blog post before I don’t think? But if it does, this is how it sounds!

**It didn’t work!** Rats. Sorry guys…
Better go or I’ll be late for church!
PS Happy Mothers Day!

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