Ikea Skubb Zippered Underbed Storage Case Great For Dolls!

Doll Friends!
Recently I went to a Rummage Sale at a local church… One thing I bought was a brand new Ikea Skubb Zippered Storage Box. It was only $2.00 even though it was still in the package! I actually bought it for it’s intended purpose of, well, storing things under the bed. Namely in my daughters room, hoping to help her organize a bit better. Sadly, when I finally set about using it for that purpose the box didn’t fit under her bed because it was too tall. So I set it aside thinking I’d just donate it to Goodwill since I don’t have any other beds it would be appropriate for either. Then, when I was folding it down, I had a thought… “Hey, I wonder if dolls would fit in here?” Most under the bed boxes I’ve checked were small/short for dolls to fit. I know because I do have a shelf in my basement that fits standard cardboard underbed boxes perfectly and I store the dolls Christmas stuff in… They are too short for dolls to fit in any way except lengthwise. I know I’ve tried. Doll storage is one of my constant trains of thought when it comes to my doll hobby… For obvious reasons. LOL

However, this one seemed a lot larger than any underbed box I’d seen before…
So I gave it a try and…. They fit like a dream!!?!? Woot! I can fit eight or nine dolls in there very easily! There are ‘hard’ board inserts in all sides other than the zippered front and so they even stand very well. The case seems sturdy enough to even pick it up with the top handles (that are meant to be side handles if you had it under the bed) to move it. I found myself wishing I had like ten of them!! Because they could keep dust off the dolls but still give you easy access! How COOL!! So, off I skipped to the Google to see if I could buy some more on Ikea… Aaaaaand…Ā 
They must be discontinued!Ā 
I read that they used to be like $8.95 too and that’s not bad for storage for nine or maybe even ten dolls if you tried! They can be found onĀ Amazon MarketplaceĀ and on eBayĀ but not for $9.00 each! And certainly not for $2 each!

So I guess I’ll add them to my wish lists on eBay and Amazon and hope I find more someday for a good price. Meanwhile I’ll be happy to have dust free storage for nine of my dolls. Here it is stowed behind a futon. Perfect!Ā 

I also found this doll tent for $1.00! Woot! Just in time for upcoming Doll Camping Trips!

Better run! Where does the time go?


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